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ElkArte doesn't seem to support MariaDB database detection? Started by Keiro · · Read 3453 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ElkArte doesn't seem to support MariaDB database detection?

I just recently went to install a forum on a cPanel server with MariaDB.

However, if you check out you'll notice it states there's no MySQL support... except there is.

On the server: for your viewing pleasure.

Re: ElkArte doesn't seem to support MariaDB database detection?

Reply #1

It needs the MySQLi interface, thats not listed in your phpinfo() output.

Re: ElkArte doesn't seem to support MariaDB database detection?

Reply #2

Quote from: Spuds – It needs the MySQLi interface, thats not listed in your phpinfo() output.

Can we link to documentation that refers to how to resolve the issue? Maybe a LMGTFY link regarding solving this?

I've done an EasyApache rebuild with that extension enabled, should be resolved shortly. But still... you know. :P

Edit: EasyApache recompiled with that support enabled. I was confused as to why it wasn't working and why I got that message when I knew I had a MySQL server. Having a documentation/LMGTFY reference would clarify things quite nicely.

Re: ElkArte doesn't seem to support MariaDB database detection?

Reply #3

Also, this isn't really a bug, per se... but go ahead and close it, as I've resolved this issue... then again, perhaps my suggestion should be added to the Github issue list?

Re: ElkArte doesn't seem to support MariaDB database detection?

Reply #4

Let's keep it here then, so that there is at least a note on the fact it should be added.
Honestly I'm not an expert on the matter and I'm not sure what would be the best wording for it, if you have any suggestion about what and where add the note feel free and I'll be happy to make the necessary changes. ;D
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Re: ElkArte doesn't seem to support MariaDB database detection?

Reply #5

Quote from: emanuele – Let's keep it here then, so that there is at least a note on the fact it should be added.
Honestly I'm not an expert on the matter and I'm not sure what would be the best wording for it, if you have any suggestion about what and where add the note feel free and I'll be happy to make the necessary changes. ;D

Hmm... I'm trying to find where the code detects the fact that the mysqli extension isn't loaded and I can't seem to find it just from browsing the Github repo... mutters

Edit: I see that Db-check-MySQL.php checks for the extension... but I'm not seeing where it displays the error message.

Edit2: I'd have figured Errors.php, Errors.class.php or ErrorContext.php would've had the error message... but no. Where is this message hiding? :|

Re: ElkArte doesn't seem to support MariaDB database detection?

Reply #6

Ohh... I thought you meant documentation. Sorry, I misunderstood! ;D
At install time, the db-type is checked in install.php (at least in 1.0, in 1.1 I made few changes and I don't remember exactly where it is detected) and the language string is in install.english.php (at least it should be :P).
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Re: ElkArte doesn't seem to support MariaDB database detection?

Reply #7

Quote from: emanuele – Ohh... I thought you meant documentation. Sorry, I misunderstood! ;D
At install time, the db-type is checked in install.php (at least in 1.0, in 1.1 I made few changes and I don't remember exactly where it is detected) and the language string is in install.english.php (at least it should be :P).

Documentation helps, too. But I think personally in my opinion, that if such an error is presented, an error message should at least hint as to how to resolve such an error. Perhaps by linking to documentation or to a topic that has a discussion with a solution?

I'll make an edit to the language string for that specific error to link to the documentation and/or this topic/post describing the solution. Then submit a PR. Would that work?

Re: ElkArte doesn't seem to support MariaDB database detection?

Reply #8

Sure! :D
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