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URL from notification email does not mark topic as read Started by Adrek · · Read 5251 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Now URL in notification email looks like this:
Code: [Select]

when you visit this address topic is still marked as new. I guess someone forgot to add  ;topicseen inside?

Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #1

topicseen is used to mark the board as read (if the topic is the only one unread) it the comments in the code are reliable (and I'm not sure they always are :P).
And the code is still similar the the original SMF 2.0 code...

But on the other hand I never tried topic notifications...
Let's see, I have enabled the notifications here.
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Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #2

and now you will get email, open topic, go to board index and topic is marked as new :)

Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #3

seems to work fine now... don't know what happened earlier :/

Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #4

One thing that happens to me frequently is that there is another page after the one I'm reading, or maybe someone edits one of the messages while I'm reading.
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Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #5

I've seen this behavior lots of times.  Not specific to an email link but I read a thread go back to the section or forum index and the thread is still marked as new.  Even though there are definitely no new posts.  Going to the next page of a thread with multiple new posts seems to increase the odds this will happen.  So if there are new posts on pages 1 and 2 for example I click new and go to page 1.  Click next page at bottom to go to page 2.  Go back to discussion index and it's still marked new.  Click on the new icon and it takes me to page 1 but the new in thread icons (mod) are not there.

It almost seems like a cache issue.

And other times I just have a thread that will not mark as not new even if I read it like 20 times. Clicking mark all read on some higher level will eventually fix it if I do it enough.

In general the "new" tracking has issues.  SMF had similar problems.

Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #6

I always considered the "second page" effect intended and quite useful.
Frequently I follow the "new" label and read a page, but I don't notice there is another page of topics (or more), so when I'm back to the message index, I see again the "new" and I'm able to notice the posts I missed and can read them.
Of course the "second page" effect happens for any further page of the topic, so if you go with the "new" to page one, but the topic has 10 pages, the "new" is always set to the first message of the new page each time you read a page. (I'm not sure this sentence is meaningful lol)
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Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #7

If the second page effect only applied to when I had viewed all the pages I'd agree.  But I'm saying that if I read all the pages it still says there are new messages even though there are not.

So let's say there are 10 pages in a topic and the first new message is on page 9.  I click new and go to page 9.  I read all on page 9 and then go to page 10 from the next page link at the bottom of page 9 and read all of page 10.  Then I go back to the message index and it says there still new posts in the topic even though I've read both page 9 and page 10.  So that's not helpful that's broken.  And the new button will often still take me to page 9.  So it didn't acknowledge I had read anything.

If I read page 9, didn't notice there was a page 10 then yes I think it should tell me there are still new messages and take me to page 10 if I click the new message.

Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #8

Just to be sure: the "I go back to the message index" means you use for example the linktree/breadcrumb to go the the index, or you use the browser's back button?

I've never seen such behaviour, looks like a very nasty bug, any other detail that may help?
It happens every time?
Maybe in specific boards?
In one page topics as well?
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Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #9

Go back to the message index means using the linktree/breadcrumb or clicking on the show unread posts button.  I've had a completely read thread show up as new via both of those methods many times.

It does not happen everytime.  It seems random.
No specific boards.  Again random.
Yes I've seen it on one page topics but it seems more common on topics with multiple pages of new posts.  But that's probably just because every new page gives a chance for whatever is breaking to break.

I've also had this happen:
1)  Read all the posts in a thread
2) Go to the board that contained the thread.  The message is marked as read.  Good.  There are no more new threads in that board.
3) Go to top level forum board index.  That board I just finished reading is marked as new at the top level even though at the board level it says there is nothing new.

I've even done a mark all read on the top level page, clicked the top level linktree button to get to the main forum page and had it show me a message is still unread though I just said mark all read and no one has posted anything in the short interval in between.

This is what makes me think it is at least in part a caching issue.

Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #10

I switched my setup over from php 5.4 with APC to php 5.5 with xcache yesterday and I've already seen the going to the last page not update the "new" icon.  So not APC specific.  I ran for a little while with caching turned off (APC disabled in php.ini and caching turned off in the Elkarte settings) and I did not see the problem.  Not a long enough test to confirm it's definitely cache related though.

Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #11

I don't remember any caching from Elk on the message index or similar areas related to status of messages.
So if it is a cache issue it's something outside Elk's control...
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Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #12

Interesting ... and odd.

If you are on 5.5, did you perhaps end up with both the built in 5.5 opcache and xcache enabled?   On 5.5 I've been using the built in zend opcache and xcache just for user data (its opcache disabled).

Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #13

Well the bulk of the problems I've seen were on 5.4 with APC.  But no 5.5 was built w/o zend opcache so it's just xcache.

Re: URL from notification email does not mark topic as read

Reply #14

And again I didn't run very long w/o cache and my forums were pretty quiet when I did.  So I don't know that the problem is related to cache at all.  It's a totally unsubstantiated theory.