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Menu stuff (just to annoy the devs) Started by Antechinus · · Read 9545 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Menu stuff (just to annoy the devs)

Reply #15

Quote from: Antechinus –
Quote from: emanuele –
Quote from: scripple – You say fork it because this discussion has been had before and this direction has been rejected for Elk?
TBH I don't remember any similar proposal because otherwise I'd have said "do it, it's what I was thinking since a long time".
I suggested it way back here: Menus menyooz munyews - them things with all teh linkys in 'em

Check Reply#6 for a jQuery click menu code that will handle any number of menu levels with full mouse and keyboard and touchscreen accessibility. Wrote it myself I did, and it's damned good. Could be combined with tap.js to make it even better for touchscreens. That would make the whole shebang only about as large as the hoverIntent plug-in, and we wouldn't need hoverIntent or Superfish or Superclick.
And (as I told you already) it uses depreciated and outdated jQuery,  Really you should consider making it a menu project so others would use it and provide broader testing and usage cases, like superfish or superclick, (where Joel even purchased various touch hardware to test it on instead of just saying yuppers it works everywhere).  To many menu systems out there that are nothing more than demo's with no support and no real testing. 
Quote from: Antechinus – However, at the time Norv and Spuds were grumbling that they liked hover menus (so there) and some people liked sidebars and some people liked droppies so they would rather add more bloat. So, that's what we got.
Yes, how dare anyone have, or provide, an opinion on what they like, specifically if its now what you want.  When that happens, the best course of action is to proclaim all else bloat  :-\
Quote from: Antechinus –
QuoteETA: and that last bit means I agree with TE that is now a bit late to change that too (unless we want to take "beta forever" route... :P
Yeah that's why I suggested basically doing it as a mod for 1.0.
Agree with what TE said about them and look forward to what can be done with them in 1.1 ! Or if you feel its impossible to contribute due to things like, gasp, someone may say they like drop menus, then you can fork the project, change the menu, and call it yer own.

Re: Menu stuff (just to annoy the devs)

Reply #16

@Ema: What main stuff?
Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 04:50:13 pm by Antechinus
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Menu stuff (just to annoy the devs)

Reply #17

Quote from: Spuds – And (as I told you already) it uses depreciated and outdated jQuery,
It uses jQuery that works for the version of jQuery that site is running. Obviously it could be altered for different versions of jQuery. That's not a big deal.

QuoteReally you should consider making it a menu project so others would use it and provide broader testing and usage cases, like superfish or superclick, (where Joel even purchased various touch hardware to test it on instead of just saying yuppers it works everywhere).  To many menu systems out there that are nothing more than demo's with no support and no real testing.
Well it's been running live for yonks now, with people using a range of touchscreen devices, and nobody seems to have a problem with it. But sure, it could probably be improved, which is why I suggested combining it with tap.js.

QuoteYes, how dare anyone have, or provide, an opinion on what they like, specifically if its now what you want.  When that happens, the best course of action is to proclaim all else bloat  :-\
So you don't think the current system is at all bloated? Ok. Fair enough.

I don't mind people having an opinion, but you seem to mind me having one. :P Yes, I think things have become ridiculously bloated, and that one good menu system should be perfectly adequate. It's an opinion. It seems to be an opinion shared by most other projects, so I doubt having one good system would result in Elk being regarded as unusable.

Quote from: Antechinus –
QuoteETA: and that last bit means I agree with TE that is now a bit late to change that too (unless we want to take "beta forever" route... :P
Yeah that's why I suggested basically doing it as a mod for 1.0.
Agree with what TE said about them and look forward to what can be done with them in 1.1 ! Or if you feel its impossible to contribute due to things like, gasp, someone may say they like drop menus, then you can fork the project, change the menu, and call it yer own.
Like I said, it's probably worth playing with as a mod for 1.0. I've said that a couple of times already.

ETA: Although Superfish and Superclick work, they try to do a lot of stuff that Elk doesn't need them to do. This makes them far more complex than required. Examples are extra js for adding drop menu indicator and various other things.

Also, as it turns out using jQuery for animations on mobile isn't as quick and clean as using CSS3 transitions, so that's another avenue for improvement (yes, applies to my code too).
Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 05:02:08 pm by Antechinus
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Menu stuff (just to annoy the devs)

Reply #18

Come to think of it, the best solution, if anyone wants to keep a hover menu option, would probably be to ditch javascript entirely and just rely on CSS3. With XP being dead and buried next month, IE8 usage will probably decline significantly and almost immediately. That means any browsers worth worrying about will be able to do mouseout delays and whatever without any js at all.

Question: what does Elk do about tablets? I know you have the smartphone icon-based menu for small screens, but what about tablets with large res? Do they automatically go to a click menu or do they currently default to the hover menu?

ETA: Seems to me the current system is plumbers crack about in a way. It developed piecemeal from the CSS2-only SMF 2.0.x drop menu system, with more and more stuff added on as time went.

Given that things are supposedly touchscreen-first these days, which really requires click menus, and given that some very sane and intelligent people (not mentioning any names or projects) actually prefer click menus even with mouse and desktop, as far as I can tell the best way of dealing with it would be to make click menus the default. Naturally these would have full CSS fallback in case js was disabled for any reason, which means that if anyone does want to keep a hover menu option, all it would have to do is disable the js on the menus.
Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 07:06:50 pm by Antechinus
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Menu stuff (just to annoy the devs)

Reply #19

I replaced all of my painfully written js from menubvode a few weeks ago, and it felt liberating. There's so little you can do in js that css3 can't do with transition tricks!

Re: Menu stuff (just to annoy the devs)

Reply #20

Menu code, not menubvode. Damn spell checker not doing its job...

Re: Menu stuff (just to annoy the devs)

Reply #21

Yeah but CSS3 is only good for hover drops. Still need some js for click drops.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P