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Github: cleaning old PRs and issues Started by TE · · Read 15467 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Github: cleaning old PRs and issues

What should we do with the old Pull Requests from Norv and Josh? Close for now? They are all in a non-mergeable state and some parts of them were already done. I'd close them.

I've moved some issues to Milestone 1.1, feel free to move them back to 1.0 :D
Also, I'd close this ones:

IMO we should go with an importer / converter instead.
 Can transfer ownership of that repo to Elk (if needed).
Thorsten "TE" Eurich


Re: Github: cleaning old PRs and issues

Reply #1

Topics cache I recall there being some valid concerns over this one which is why it go held ... I don't feel its a bad idea, but I also don't think it works well with our cache system, not sure it would test out as an improvement even if we redo the cache.  I'd vote close this, changing how we cache may be a 1.1 topic though, or not :P

Elkpr/397 Seems fine to me, at least the idea of pulling that stuff out of subs and in to its own file.  If you want I'll redo that PR so we can merge it.

attachments hash (Josh) The only part that may make sense is Everywhere should ...

List That one also seems fine to me ... but that is Ema's baby  :) We use createList a lot so moving it to a class structure would allow us to do more with it in the future.

Issue 1 should be closed, only thing left should be bugs!

Issue 304, the upgrade has been on my mind.  The best way is what you suggested, install and use your fantastic converter.  I was going to (for fun ??? ) install a 2.0 and run the upgrader and see how bad it actually is!  At this point it seems like it will have to delete almost every smf file in an old install due to the name changes etc ... supose it leaves all the other files (mods etc) in the old directories? ... don't know really.

Re: Github: cleaning old PRs and issues

Reply #2

Just quickly tested an upgrade to have an idea (because I still think have an upgrade would be useful especially since I'm sill on 1.1 :P), there are (still) a couple of issues:
1) Elk functions expect Settings.php not to have "?>" (so it writes the $upgrade_step after that and makes a bit of a mess),
2) the .sql files still call $smcFunc, (I thought there was some wrapper to maintain some backward compatibility but I was wrong) and also some mysql_* functions,
3) a better check in index.php to ensure we are using the proper $sourcedir,
4) dropping SMF themes and set ours as default (that again implies some more detailed checking on paths and dirs).
This for an UTF-8 forum.
All these should be easy to fix.

The non-UTF8 is still not tested and likely a problem...a big one.
Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 07:11:03 pm by emanuele
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Github: cleaning old PRs and issues

Reply #3

Covers 1, 2 and 3.
Pending themes because I'm not sure what is involved...
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.