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Recent Attachment Changes Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 5304 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Recent Attachment Changes

The drag and drop is nice but it could use a lot of changes.

1) remove the non-drag and drop attach stuff if it is enabled
2) the textarea that is here should be have the same effect as the area beneath it. Or, instead, just have the textarea work as the area. That would clean it up. Then put the post/preview/etc. buttons after the attachments.
3) if I drag an image, I should see the thumbnail when it uploads. I believe you're using the jQuery file-uploader library that allows this.
4) if I drag another file, it would be really cool if we had some icons to represent its type
5) if I drag a non-allowed file type, it should reject it immediately. I don't know if you can test the file type with Javascript, but at least when it does the AJAX upload, return an error and say "this file type is not allowed."
6) it should definitely not tell me that I have unsaved attachments in other posts. That's just annoying. It should post those attachments per topic.
7) if I attempt to close the topic, it should ask me if I want to upload those files and tell me if I don't, they will be removed.
8) I haven't checked, but there needs to be a scheduled task to remove temporary uploads.

Re: Recent Attachment Changes

Reply #1

Quote from: groundup – The drag and drop is nice but it could use a lot of changes.

1) remove the non-drag and drop attach stuff if it is enabled
Sounds interesting, to do that we need to detect the browser capabilities and act accordingly.

Quote from: groundup – 2) the textarea that is here should be have the same effect as the area beneath it. Or, instead, just have the textarea work as the area. That would clean it up. Then put the post/preview/etc. buttons after the attachments.
Nice one, thats really doable.

Quote from: groundup – 3) if I drag an image, I should see the thumbnail when it uploads. I believe you're using the jQuery file-uploader library that allows this.
Its a custom made file which is used for uploading of files. Well, honestly putting thumbnails might clutter the area. It'd be better to hear more inputs on the same.

Quote from: groundup – 4) if I drag another file, it would be really cool if we had some icons to represent its type
Any sort of icons you have in mind?

Quote from: groundup – 5) if I drag a non-allowed file type, it should reject it immediately. I don't know if you can test the file type with Javascript, but at least when it does the AJAX upload, return an error and say "this file type is not allowed."
Well in JS we are already checking the extension of the file and error is thrown immediately.

Quote from: groundup – 6) it should definitely not tell me that I have unsaved attachments in other posts. That's just annoying. It should post those attachments per topic.
Umm, can you explain this a bit more. Me, lost :P

Quote from: groundup – 7) if I attempt to close the topic, it should ask me if I want to upload those files and tell me if I don't, they will be removed.
And attachments will be saved against what? I mean AFAIR attachments are saved against messages and if you aren't posting a message what sort of entry should go in attachment table. Moreover this can consume a lot of disk space for small sized forums.

Quote from: groundup – 8) I haven't checked, but there needs to be a scheduled task to remove temporary uploads.
 Joker Points towards @emanuele @Spuds

Re: Recent Attachment Changes

Reply #3

Points 1 and 2 I agree with, we can tighten up that area a bit.  I had added a small capability check in the JS class so that area does not appear when using ie9 and below, or any other browsers that don't support the form stuff.

3 to me is excessive, and I like eye candy ! ... maybe for a gallery addon, or when we really get attachments fully independent, but right now thats fluff over function.  Of course thats just IMO and I'm allowed to have one :P

4 is also fluff IMO, but easy enough to add a basic icon mime image when its uploaded. 

5 is done plus other checks as @Joker™ pointed out

6/7 I believe that's when you upload some attachments and then leave the posting screen.  You then come back to posting screen and it will let you know you still have some uploaded files "in session" and ask what you want to do with them.  
That was all done for various upload problems (non DD) to prevent loosing your work as in the old system if there was one attachment error when you hit post, you lost them all.  Could be improved , just not sure how, maybe as described in 7 is best "post" was not pressed and you are leaving the page?

8 I have no idea if we added that or not :P


Re: Recent Attachment Changes

Reply #4

Quote from: groundup – 8) I haven't checked, but there needs to be a scheduled task to remove temporary uploads.
That is default, any failed attachment must be removed even if uploaded from the normal interface.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.