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Responsive breaks down as broswer narrows Started by scripple · · Read 17579 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Responsive breaks down as broswer narrows

Has anyone just slowly made a desktop browser narrower and narrower while browsing this site?  Things definitely get ugly in various place with columns breakdown and text overlapping from one column to the next etc. 

I've noticed that normal full date strings cause a lot of problems.  Is that the reason for the short form here?  What's the setting to enable the short form "fuzzy" date?

Re: Responsive breaks down as broswer narrows

Reply #1

Quote from: scripple – Has anyone just slowly made a desktop browser narrower and narrower while browsing this site?  Things definitely get ugly in various place with columns breakdown and text overlapping from one column to the next etc. 
Not to surprising when doing it that way, at least I think.  The current screen width "points" are designed around tablet and phone screen sizes. 

Narrowing a desktop screen will allow between width points.  Only things that can be done are adjust the current media query width points to cover a wider range, so find the point at which things break down and update the query to force the layout to the next size down at that point vs a "normal" break point like 360, 800 or 1024 etc ... or define new querys to cover those between ranges to adjust the problem areas.

Quote from: scripple – I've noticed that normal full date strings cause a lot of problems.  Is that the reason for the short form here?  What's the setting to enable the short form "fuzzy" date?
Go to admin -> featuresetting -> layout  find "Enable shorthand date display" select relative.