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Ok, how does the page index work? Started by scripple · · Read 22429 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Ok, how does the page index work?

I'm trying to put your page index on a custom page.  It works except that once the ellipses hover function brings up the hover activated page selection it never goes away.

What trick am I missing?

Code: [Select]
	echo '
<ul class="pagelinks floatleft sf-js-enabled" role="menubar">',

Some script I have to include?  I've got the standard html and body templates loading so the default set of scripts and variables are there.

Help please.

Re: Ok, how does the page index work?

Reply #1

sf-js-enabled is a class that is applied via jQuery Superfish plug-in. It shouldn't actually be in your markup.

Dunno if that's causing a problem, but I'd lose it from the markup anyway.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Ok, how does the page index work?

Reply #2

Yes that fixed it.  Thank you.

I do wonder why the script doesn't work since I've loaded all the elk scripts.  Doesn't really matter though I guess.

Re: Ok, how does the page index work?

Reply #3

It may be that jQuery (or superfish) remembers the classes that were applied before doing its job and probably it doesn't remove that one or it gets confused by finding a class that should not be there... dunno, difficult to say...
Bugs creator.
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Re: Ok, how does the page index work?

Reply #4

Quote from: emanuele – It may be that jQuery (or superfish) remembers the classes that were applied before doing its job and probably it doesn't remove that one or it gets confused by finding a class that should not be there... dunno, difficult to say...
I copied the page link markup from another page.  That's why it's odd it doesn't work.  It's not even a new class.  But no big deal.

Re: Ok, how does the page index work?

Reply #5

Yep, but the class is (normally) added via javascript by superfish itself and is not actually present in the template, see:
The "exact line" is 748.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Ok, how does the page index work?

Reply #6

Oh, it's added by the javascript not a message for the javascript to do something with it.  Now I understand.  Thanks.

Re: Ok, how does the page index work?

Reply #7

Quote from: scripple – Yes that fixed it.  Thank you.

I do wonder why the script doesn't work since I've loaded all the elk scripts.  Doesn't really matter though I guess.
What isn't working?
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Ok, how does the page index work?

Reply #8

It all works.  I just wondered why adding the class broke it.  But emanuele explained that to me.  So it was user error on my part.