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New Variants Started by Spuds · · Read 43495 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

New Variants

As requested!

I added two new variants, a Blue and a Gold version.   You will find them in your profile theme selection area.

In doing those two, I got around to fixing a bunch of things in the theme core, makes creating variants easier, plus fixes a few layout bugs or completes things I had started.

The two new variants show a few things you can easily do, they are both 95+ percent the base theme with simple color and a few structural overrides to make then feel unique.  For example Gold had the main main scroll to the top and then "stick" there.  Both have color gradients in some of the drop downs.  Bunch of other little things.

I'm sure I missed a few things as there are sooooo many areas to validate, but should be good enough for everyone to have fun.