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Photo Gallery? Started by MrCat · · Read 2547 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Photo Gallery?

Hello. Since this is my first post I'd like to thank everybody involved in the development of this software  :)

I spend a lot of time on Facebook, and it's become painfully obvious that Facebook users just will not budge off there and visit any other site now!
The main reason (in my opinion) is that Facebook's system of 'Likes', 'notifications', and 'name mentions' combine to make other forum software virtually obsolete. Those features are just so user friendly that programs like SMF now seem like something from the stone age :P
I have run a few forums in the past and would like to set up a new one - however there just isn't anything that can compete in features - so what's the point when most of my potential audience are in Facebook groups?
I recently started developing a new site in phpBB because there is a gallery mod, but I'm still left with forum and gallery as separate and not integrated enough. Of course It's also lacking the features I mention previously, so it feels like it's a dead end.

That's why I'm excited about discovering ElkArte.
I learned about it from the Wedge website. Wedge worries me however because it's a one man band, and if he stops development that's also a dead end.

My main need is something that can handle photos well. I 'hang out' with truck enthusiasts and they're more photo orientated than discussion based.
The aspect of Facebook where you can start a discussion with either a quote/question or simply a photo is very important to user-friendliness.

Does ElkArte have any kind of photo gallery planned?


Re: Photo Gallery?

Reply #1

As far as I know there is no gallery for elkarte. I am also wait for a gallery
sorry for my bad english

Re: Photo Gallery?

Reply #2

If I am not mistaken @Jorin is working on one. Not sure about the status though.

Re: Photo Gallery?

Reply #4

Hello MrCat and welcome! :)

The general idea (I'm sure there is a topic around, where this topic is, is another matter. lol) is "at some point" (maybe even 1.1) to have the attachments behave like a sort of personal gallery.
This doesn't means only "show the attachments in one place", but allow to "attach" files without a topic, and some more stuff.

Of course this is just a general idea...
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Photo Gallery?

Reply #5

Thanks for your responses guys.

It's a shame this kind of thing hasn't been designed in from the start. I've watched the internet develop over the years from mainly text and discussion, to the majority of people just wanting to show photos and have people comment on them.

It's only sites with very specialised topics that can survive on questions and answers.

Maybe I've been poisoned by Facebook (lol) but a lot of people are used to that kind of system now and don't want to go back.

Re: Photo Gallery?

Reply #6

Quote from: MrCat – It's a shame this kind of thing hasn't been designed in from the start.
I am also awaiting for a gallery, but trust me the Elkarte develpoment is impressive, never seen a forum being developed so fast, and I'm playing with forums since 2005. Keep in consideration that elkarte is a free forum and open source, so nobody is payd here

I'm pretty sure the dev's will do something about this, be patient ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Photo Gallery?

Reply #7

Quote from: MrCat – It's only sites with very specialised topics that can survive on questions and answers.
Despite this being true, it is also true that not all the sites require uploading of pictures as main feature for "discussion/engagement".

My forum for example has a very limited use for images, we never allowed attachments to begin with, I added a gallery at some point, but most of the members find it too complex to use. And anyway there are not many images shared, most of the activity are discussions.
I know other forums where the gallery is part of the forum and probably the most prominent one.
I know other forums where a gallery is present, but it's just a marginal part of the forum.

In 1.0 the main goal was to streamline code and add some badly needed features (even in a far-from-perfect shape, perfection is something for "later").
1.1 could be the place to add more nicer things like a better handling of the attachments.

These are just my thoughts, nothing set in stone. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.