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Voice typing Started by omBre · · Read 3260 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Voice typing

Is there way to integrate or use the google docs voice typing?

eg. the forum to have own g.doc's page, that will be bridged in the editor ... after saving it in the doc's platform through the editor to post the text in same time to the forum thread ...

Re: Voice typing

Reply #1

the basic idea is to have voice type engine on the forum, but I cant find any free engine that could be integrated

I'll say this could be smart alternative for guests, in same time avoiding spam-bots

Re: Voice typing

Reply #2

If could be integrated in other aps, it could be integrated in ElkArte too, or I am missing something!?

Re: Voice typing

Reply #3

That will depends on your device(s), not ElkArte or other site, I think.

Re: Voice typing

Reply #4

I tend to agree that this is one of those features that on a client is a pain in the plumbers crack, pretty much like a copy&paste from word.
Most of the devices with a microphone (e.g. phones) already have this option out of the box, what's left are the desktop.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Voice typing

Reply #5

yes, but I am after integration in the editor somehow, eg. guests to comment only in this way after simple captcha login, hm maybe there will be soon spam-bots for this too, but till then I could use this method as securest 1FA ... for this I'll need google docs integration in the editor of ElkArte, some bridge that will use the voice option to post guest comments on the forum ... this would be my priority in the next months along with the double forum, and who knows maybe things will go to better and profound debate ...

there are some free spirits around that can help for own V2T engine, but probably ElkArte has other concerns except messaging, altho this is the basic one, and hope one day it will be regular future, if not else for people with disabilities, at most for everyday visualing of words :)

Re: Voice typing

Reply #6

I don't have a micro on my desktop.  ;)  And if we can have voice typing I want to use my tablet and pen to draw my posts.  :D  I am with @ahrasis: Let the device decide.

Re: Voice typing

Reply #7

that typo visualing goes well with ur drawing wish :D

I'll visualise my point again little sharply ... I want to have V2T plugin that will enable free messaging for guests, api or app doesent matter, just to be there fast and easy whilevin same time secure way to chat for those that are stil not ready for debate ... like this many of those that want to participate somehow but dont have time for elaborated arguments can release their facebook atitude in right way and right place if there is also parallel forum window for every topic, something like interconected nd archived side by side board and chat room ...

Re: Voice typing

Reply #8

Quote from: emanuele – I tend to agree that this is one of those features that on a client is a pain in the plumbers crack, pretty much like a copy&paste from word.
Most of the devices with a microphone (e.g. phones) already have this option out of the box, what's left are the desktop.
The Linux desktop and the Dutch/various other non-English languages desktop. You can dictate perfectly fine to your Windows 8+ and Mac OS either out of the box or with third-party software. And I reckon the third-party thing also applies on Linux. Heck, I believe Dragon NaturallySpeaking works just fine in Wine.

Maybe I'll try this Simon thing…

Re: Voice typing

Reply #9

Frenzie is this means I can integrate this app in the forum as option?

Re: Voice typing

Reply #10

Well no, just like @emanuele I don't really understand what a website would have to do with my input methods. I barely even understand Javascript multitouch hijacking for the most part. It often seems too low-level to me, as opposed to something like "scroll" and "zoom" events. :P

Anyway, in Google's browser it looks like this would work.

Re: Voice typing

Reply #12

Why would you want to add complex code to your website to accomplish something most modern devices already do for you?  I may be wrong, but seems it would only serve to drag down performance with extra code, another software to maintain, and something else to break. Oh, and for the security minded, another software adds another entry point for attacks. Just saying.   ;)

.....and.....thinking in terms of networking.....

introducing extra network overhead will result in a poor performing site no one uses. Choose wisely. ;)


Re: Voice typing

Reply #13

Thanks for ur advice Basmonkey ... my intention is to have free direct login for guests in eventual double forum, where they would not need as guests any authentication but simply recaptcha as login and then just posting messages through this voice api ... I cant find any other simple way to avoid spam-bots while leaving open room for guests to talk, simply many people have no patience to register especially the elders ... also in this way the regular members will have parallel chat room for arguing their point till bone while in the prime topic they would leave the debate clean and polite,nsterile if u like, which is outmost needed if our community tends to grow to level ofmparty tomorrow ...