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[ADDON] Featured Started by emanuele · · Read 5580 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[ADDON] Featured

Featured v0.0.1
Just a very basic implementation of the "featured" feature ( :P ).
What does it mean?
Let's take a topic as an example, when you make the topic "featured" it will be shown "somewhere", for example at the moment a shorter version is shows at the top of the board index, see attachment for an example.

Why "basic"?
Because it's the work of about 3/4 hours of coding (most of them spent styling the carousel the way I wanted it), it lacks a tons of stuff.
At the moment it's possible to "feature" and "unfeature" a topic and the topic summary is displayed at the top of the board index, but nothing more.
The list of things to do includes (in random order):
  • properly implement the permissions (at the moment it's just a placeholder, that means only admins can feature/unfeature a topic),
  • make the text "mark featured" change to "unfeature" when the topic is featured (and make it AJAX),
  • add an admin interface to see who and when a topic was featured/unfeatured,
  • allow to insert an image and a summary of the featured "item",
  • allow to show the featured box not only on the board index, but in various actions,
  • give members the possibility to dismiss a featured entry,
  • give members the option to disable the featured interface completely,
  • write new "featurers", for example for attachments, or members, or SimplePortal articles, etc. The system is coded flexible enough to plug-in any kind of "item".

o This ElkArte Addon is subject to the terms of the BSD "3-clause" license. You can obtain a copy of the License at

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Re: [ADDON] Featured

Reply #1

Quote from: emanuele – allow to insert an image and a summary of the featured "item"

Have you thought about the image used as a "featured image" should be an image attached to the featured post?

Oh, and I would not like my users to choose which featured topic they see or not. I would start with an option between "show featured topics" and "do not show featured topics".

Re: [ADDON] Featured

Reply #2

Quote from: Jorin –
Quote from: emanuele – allow to insert an image and a summary of the featured "item"
Have you thought about the image used as a "featured image" should be an image attached to the featured post?

Yes, it may be an option, I have to see what's the easiest way.
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Re: [ADDON] Featured

Reply #3

Awesome !!!

Re: [ADDON] Featured

Reply #4

Absolutely. Could be an alternative for blogs!

Re: [ADDON] Featured

Reply #5

I get an error while installing \sources/subs/Featurer.class.php   Modification parse error  ::)

I tried on wamp, Elkarte 1.0.1 with 3 mods installed: fancybox, google member map and ILA attachments.

I downloaded the zip from here: (unzip and removed the folder that github create)

What could be?
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON] Featured

Reply #6

I bet @emanuele will blame copy and paste :P

Re: [ADDON] Featured

Reply #7

Yeah, copy/paste on Suse it's not working fine ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON] Featured

Reply #8

Who the heck put a file that doesn't exist there? :P
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