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SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem Started by McFly · · Read 15720 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem

Everything works fine except:

This query:
QuoteREPLACE INTO database1.ea_custom_fields
(col_name, field_name, field_desc, field_type, field_length, field_options, mask, show_reg, show_display, show_profile, private, active, bbc, can_search, default_value, enclose, placement, rows, cols)
VALUES('cust_gender', 'Gender', 'Your gender', 'radio', 15, 'undisclosed,male,female,genderless,nonbinary,transgendered', '', 0, 1, 'forumprofile', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'undisclosed', '', 0, 0, 0);

Caused the error:
QuoteYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'rows, cols)
VALUES('cust_gender', 'Gender', 'Your gender', 'radio', 15, '...' at line 2
▬|████|▬ This is a Nudelholz! Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person .... to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

ElkArte 1.1.x & TP on Apache2.4.48, PHP 8.0.8 FPM

Re: SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem

Reply #1

I believe that is because MariaDB added the "rows" name as reserved as of 10.2.4.  So that query would need to be updated to use a fully qualified reference like database1.ea_custom_fields.rows :(

Re: SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem

Reply #2

Quote from: Spuds – I believe that is because MariaDB added the "rows" name as reserved as of 10.2.4.  So that query would need to be updated to use a fully qualified reference like database1.ea_custom_fields.rows :(

Hm ... I don't think so. After all, the installation process of ElkArte uses the same SQL query. And it runs even without error message.  :(
▬|████|▬ This is a Nudelholz! Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person .... to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

ElkArte 1.1.x & TP on Apache2.4.48, PHP 8.0.8 FPM

Re: SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem

Reply #3

You need the ‘’ around the rows keyword, in the actual insert query part.

Re: SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem

Reply #4

Quote from: tino – You need the ‘’ around the rows keyword, in the actual insert query part.

Just tested the query with ' and " around rows. Same error.   :'(

EDIT: cry emo does not compute!  ;)
▬|████|▬ This is a Nudelholz! Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person .... to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

ElkArte 1.1.x & TP on Apache2.4.48, PHP 8.0.8 FPM

Re: SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem

Reply #5

I just truncated the SQL query after 'placement', as well as the values. Works.

After that 'rows, cols' in a separate query. Does not work.  ???
▬|████|▬ This is a Nudelholz! Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person .... to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

ElkArte 1.1.x & TP on Apache2.4.48, PHP 8.0.8 FPM

Re: SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem

Reply #6

It’s not the ' mark you have to use, but the ` mark. They’re visually similar but they mean different things…

Re: SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem

Reply #7

Quote from: Arantor – It’s not the ' mark you have to use, but the ` mark. They’re visually similar but they mean different things…

As Arantor said the backtick, it seems typing from my phone has changed it to a ‘ so apologies. This is MySQL only mind, Postgres doesn’t support it.

Re: SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem

Reply #8

Ah ... now, yes... worked. Or as they say here casually: Now it becomes a shoe.
But why does the installation of ElkArte work without errors? Is the quotation mark already implemented there?

@Tino With my autocorrect apostrophes or quotation marks are also sometimes degraded to commas.
▬|████|▬ This is a Nudelholz! Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person .... to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

ElkArte 1.1.x & TP on Apache2.4.48, PHP 8.0.8 FPM


Re: SMF 2.0.19 to EA 1.1.18 problem

Reply #9

Time to relax on Sunday morning. Added the "backtick" in the smf2-0_importer.xml file about line 780 three times around the "rows". The data transfer from SMF 2.0.19 has now worked fine.

For interested the file in the attachment.
▬|████|▬ This is a Nudelholz! Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person .... to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

ElkArte 1.1.x & TP on Apache2.4.48, PHP 8.0.8 FPM