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Draft saving being a user option Started by Arantor · · Read 9067 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Draft saving being a user option

I have to admit, this intrigued me.

In my original draft saving mod, I made it a user profile option. But when I bolted it into Wedge, I didn't make it a user profile option, I didn't bother. I found that it was easier for users if it just worked.

It's changeable at admin level, of course, and it's permissions driven - but I would wonder how useful it is as a user option?

Re: Draft saving being a user option

Reply #1

This is in regards to the auto-save feature? ... if so that's a good question ... unfortunately its lacking a good answer  O:-)

I generally tend to just put things in as an option simply because I've given up trying to understand why users do or want things a certain way.  In this case it seemed like even if its a low percentage that opt out, its just that much less for the system to do.

I suppose when you think of it in terms of data loss prevention, always on and not selectable is probably the correct approach.

Re: Draft saving being a user option

Reply #2

Yeah, it's in relation to autosaving.

I'm not even thinking of it in terms of the 'data loss prevention' angle as such. I'm thinking that there's an expectation of it being saved for you - as drafts is one of the big features in both SMF 2.1 and Elk - and it's actually off by default. Wouldn't be so bad if it were on by default and opt-out, because even though it does have a load impact, it's proven worth doing in our experience on :)

I can see there being a case for it being an option if you have users with low bandwidth or bad connections, though that's not something I'm personally that worried about.

Re: Draft saving being a user option

Reply #3

Thats a good point on the draft expectation .... if its an option it should be an opt out vs in ...

I don't even remember what the defaults are any more, we added the drafts before we even changed to the new editor, so that was sometime last summer lol ... The only thing I remember about most of that was being in a area where the only daily internet I had was 1X with my cell phone ... I would make commits when I went "to town" (local cafe)  :P (Oh and guess where I'm going back to in a couple of months!)

QuoteI can see there being a case for it being an option if you have users with low bandwidth or bad connections, though that's not something I'm personally that worried about.
Is that because its just becoming such a corner case these days or is it that those connections are handled with a mobile site?

Re: Draft saving being a user option

Reply #4

It's more that 'net connectivity is becoming so ubiquitous, even with mobile users, that low-speed or spotty connection is just becoming less and less of a problem than it used to be. There will come a time when even rural users will have what we consider 'quite acceptable' connections.

Re: Draft saving being a user option

Reply #5

You called? ;D Wireless broadband FTW. It's not as good as a 100 meg landline thingy, but it's a lot better than dialup.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Draft saving being a user option

Reply #6

If automatic saving of drafts is not on by default, most of the users will not even know about such a feature. I would say on by default with an option to disable.

Re: Draft saving being a user option

Reply #7

Its been enabled as "on" by default for new installs, have not done it here yet, yes I'm even to lazy to do an insert :P