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Server migration with exception Started by badmonkey · · Read 9265 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Server migration with exception

Reply #15

It's all part of the learning curve for us all.  Many, many thanks to this community.  People here are willing to help as well as listen.

Speaking of thanks, I must give credit to @vbgamer45  for the info he posted.  It provided just what I needed to understand what was happening with that setting so it could be applied to multiple attachment directories. 

One other item worth mentioning: on the small forums, this method corrected the paths just fine.  On the mid size forum, 500 errors kept popping up.  Huh?  Ah yeah, php memory limit.  Increasing it to 128M didn't work.  I went for broke, set it for 1G, and got the job done.  Apparently it takes a lot of memory to rename the attachment filenames in the database.  That forum has around 25,000 attachments.  Tonight we will find out how that works on the Big Girl with over 90,000 attachments. 


Re: Server migration with exception

Reply #16

Now I remember that repair_settings will indeed detect that attachments path an offer a proper correction.

By the way, for me, after running an nginx server as well, I think I am more comfortable with the previous apache2 setup as it almost didn't shows all that errors (500, 404, 403 etc) at all. But reverting back to it may be a hassle (small though) and nginx seems faster and very good in handling concurrent session.

Meditate on this, I will. :P

Re: Server migration with exception

Reply #17

Nginx can be finicky.  On the plus side, it works oh so well.  It's fast.  It's also easy/intuitive to configure.  Much simpler than Apache, at least for me.  Resource consumption is nearly nothing too.  It does have it's downsides as you point out.  Go with what you feel best!

One of the hurdles here is I'm moving large forums while simultaneously configuring and learning ispconfig.  It hasn't been easy!  lol  Hopefully some of it being in print here will help someone in the future.  :)

Thanks for your help everyone!  Hope you have a great weekend.   8)

Re: Server migration with exception

Reply #18

I agree that nginx is kind of simpler if compared to apache. Anyway, I haven't decided on reverting back to apache but just a thought that crossed my mind.

I track my problem with nginx to the issue of cache / caching as well as vhost settings. Now testing with higher amount of memory limit for xcache and modifying some of my vhost.

I also manage to work with email system for all domain and now configuring a fax via hylafax.

Will see about it in a week or two more.

Re: Server migration with exception

Reply #19

Quote from: badmonkey – One other item worth mentioning: on the small forums, this method corrected the paths just fine.  On the mid size forum, 500 errors kept popping up.  Huh?  Ah yeah, php memory limit.  Increasing it to 128M didn't work.  I went for broke, set it for 1G, and got the job done.  Apparently it takes a lot of memory to rename the attachment filenames in the database.  That forum has around 25,000 attachments.  Tonight we will find out how that works on the Big Girl with over 90,000 attachments. 
Why do you need to rename the attachments as part of the migration? I may have missed a bit here.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Server migration with exception

Reply #20

Sorry, that should have been directories.  The process handling the move ran php OOM.