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Server Change Started by Spuds · · Read 8244 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Server Change

Had to perform the big-o-move to a new server yesterday. 

Wanted to updated the site to use PHP 8.2 and later 8.3 and yadda-yadda-yadda ended up shifting the site to a new host and instance.  Its now on PHP 8.2/Apache/MariaDB stack so pretty standard stuff.

PHP8+ will be required for ElkArte 2.0, and since I wanted to update the site to the latest code (still to do) I first needed to get the PHP version updated.

I believe everything is working, but as server directory names changed, new DB plus all of the DNS, SSL, fun, I could have missed a few issues.  So if something does not seen right or does not work, please let me know  :wink:

Re: Server Change

Reply #1

Seems good do far. Good job.

Re: Server Change

Reply #2

Thank you .....  Just enabled HTTP/2 as well

Re: Server Change

Reply #3

And just finished with some email "stuff" ....

They should now be SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and rDNS compliant.  I know we did not have all of these checks in place previously, but in any case barring the notorious Spam filters and lists, we should be in good shape to send. 

Still need to do some PBE testing as well, but at least registration style emails look good.

Re: Server Change

Reply #4

I just checked the new register email with and got

Wow! Perfect, you can send
Score : 10/10

WooHoo! <--- thats mine :D

Re: Server Change

Reply #5

Back in 2013-2014 when I started to use a VPS and sending emails from that vps my result on was something like 2-3 / 10: "Your email will never see the light of an inbox" or something similar. :embarrassed:
It took me some time to arrive at 9.5 / 10.
Quote from: Spuds – Still need to do some PBE testing as well, but at least registration style emails look good.
what is PBE testing?
sorry for my bad english


Re: Server Change

Reply #6

Good old Post By Email (PBE, or should that be PbE) ... anyway all those mail list functions.  On the new server I could do it all local, but to keep testing as many things as  I can it will continue to use Imap via Gmail functions.