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" Board Icons " add on installed , but where to change in admin CP ? Started by meetdilip · · Read 6732 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

" Board Icons " add on installed , but where to change in admin CP ?

" Board Icons " add on installed successfully, but where to change in admin CP ?

Re: " Board Icons " add on installed , but where to change in admin CP ?

Reply #1

Dilip are you talking about these here

If so he posted instruction on his forum here,48.0.html

Re: " Board Icons " add on installed , but where to change in admin CP ?

Reply #2

I just want to split the default board icons and use individual icons of my choice. The add on I guess is by @emanuele

Sorry, I know only English as foreign language.

Re: " Board Icons " add on installed , but where to change in admin CP ?

Reply #3

I guess you are referring to the addon I started writing here:
in that case:
QuoteI may have missed something, for the moment I'm too lazy to write an admin interface
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: " Board Icons " add on installed , but where to change in admin CP ?

Reply #4

I did not install the addon from emanuele, because there is still something  wrong in my forum.

But it works without this addon. I am using the light-Theme.

You need six icons, they have to be uploaded in "images /_light".

Then there are some changes in the index_light.css

It should look like this:

Code: [Select]
.category_boards .board_icon, .board_key:before {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/*background-image: url(../../images/_light/board_icons.png);*/
/*.on_board {background-position: 0 0;}*/
.on_board {background-image: url(../../images/_light/on.png);}
/*.on2_board {background-position: -72px 0;}*/
.on2_board {background-image: url(../../images/_light/on2.png);}
/*.off_board {background-position: -144px 0;}*/
.off_board {background-image: url(../../images/_light/off.png);}
/*.redirect_board {background-position: -216px 0;}*/
.redirect_board {background-image: url(../../images/_light/redirect.png);}
/*.new_some_board:before {background-position: -300px -14px;}*/
.new_some_board:before {background-image: url(../../images/_light/new_some.png);}
/*.new_none_board:before {background-position: -372px -14px;}*/
.new_none_board:before {background-image: url(../../images/_light/new_none.png);}
/*.new_redirect_board:before {background-position: -444px -14px;}*/
.new_redirect_board:before  {background-image: url(../../images/_light/new_redirect.png);}
Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 11:56:43 am by Ruth