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keyboard shortcuts Started by Jorin · · Read 6092 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

keyboard shortcuts

I know I can use STRG+B to make a text bold. I know I can use STRG+I and STRG+U too. Are there any more shorcuts? I know you once mentioned a shortcut for multiple quotes...

Re: keyboard shortcuts

Reply #1

I remember ctrl+enter to split quotes.
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Re: keyboard shortcuts

Reply #2

There are not that many other than what you posted.  However we could add them in 1.01 if wanted, they are easy to add to the editor, its just finding ones that don't interfere with the regular browser ones.

ctrl+shift+s = toggle source/wizzy mode
ctrl+shift+m = toggle maximize (useless right now but its there)