Maintenance mode message doesn't parse HTML
December 20, 2015, 03:04:52 pm
Hi, I have clean Elkarte 1.0.5, and it seems that HTML code is not parsed in maintenance mode message. Where I need to make changes to enable HTML in this message?
Re: Maintenance mode message doesn't parse HTML
Reply #4 – December 21, 2015, 07:52:29 am
Not sure what that github issue is about TBH, its not really an explanation of why it was like that to begin with (plus thats just the forum name not the MM message). I'll add it to the tracker as a feature request for 1.1 so we remember to take a look at it.
Re: Maintenance mode message doesn't parse HTML
Reply #6 – December 26, 2015, 05:26:42 pm
Global Moderator
I'm not sure this is a bug or a feature... LOL I know for sure after some testing there is a bug: when Elk saves data to the file, the single quotes are converted to #something; and the next time the file is saved the "#" is considered the starting of a comment, messing up the line (the text is repeated). This is probably due to the htmlspecialchars, there is to revert the entities back and use addslashes before saving. The saving of html I think it's "disabled" just as usual safety measure, though if it is worth or not... well, I don't know at the moment.
Re: Maintenance mode message doesn't parse HTML
Reply #7 – February 04, 2016, 06:12:26 pm
Seems pointless to disable saving HTML for an administrator that can edit template files from the same interface. Not saying it is worth it to change (I think maintenance should be a class and all you should change in settings.php is whether it is enabled) but... just saying
Re: Maintenance mode message doesn't parse HTML
Reply #8 – February 06, 2016, 02:34:36 pm
Yup .. if the admin is hell bent on breaking there forum, there are lots of other ways to proceed that are better than this