Installing new theme
Hi All,
First of all, nice work with this new forum software. Currently using SMF 2,0,13 for my forum but I'm playing with ElkArte and seriously considering to migrate my forum.
But I have an issue : when I install a new theme, I can't use it. How do I proceed :
1. I download a theme from this site
2. Via Admin->Configuration ->Theme Management -> Manage and Install, I upload the zip file and install it via "Install a new theme"
3. I get a confirmation that the new theme is installed succesfully
So far, so good...
However, under "Modify Themes" the newly installed theme is not present. When I go to My Account -> Look and Layout -> Button "Change Theme", I can select the new theme but there is no change.
Whatever I do, I always stay on the default ElkArte theme.
Re: Installing new theme
Reply #1 –
Small update :
I think I found the problem. By default, the contents of the zipfile is a folder with the theme name that contains another folder with the same theme name. In this second folder are all the necessary files and folders for your theme.
When you upload the theme and install the zipfile, the package manager uploads the entire folder structure in the zipfile. But this means that the forum software does not find the necessary files&folders in the correct location.
My solution (quick&dirty) was to use FileZilla, go to the new theme's folder and moving the files from the second to the first folder.
Problem solved.
For future themes, I'm going to unzip the theme on my computer and rezip only the second folder. Shoud do the trick as well.
Re: Installing new theme
Reply #3 –
I had the issue with "Lazy Day" and "FaceIt". To be honest, I didn't check any other themes.