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make forum as landing (main) page? Started by Robert · · Read 4885 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

make forum as landing (main) page?

currently it's:

People have to put https://mydomain/elkarte to visit my forum.
How do I make so that when people put  https://mydomain and my forum will show up?

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #1

That's because you installed elkarte in a subfolder called elkarte. I usually install my forum in the root directory and not in a folder, but that's a personal taste.

Anyway you can correct this by creating in the root of your domain a file called .htaccess and paste this inside. Use notepad as editor, not word or open office writer.
Code: [Select]
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^$ /elkarte [L]

I didn't test it but should work. Have a look here

Or Google for htaccess redirect domain to folder

In alternative you can move all elkarte files to the root of your domain, correct the paths in Settings.php file and then run repair-settings.php (
sorry for my bad english

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #2

Quote from: radu81 – That's because you installed elkarte in a subfolder called elkarte.

Not 100% right. It's because he runs elkarte with a subdomain! He can set his main domain to any subfolder on his webspace.  ;)

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #3

I believe elkarte doesn't play nice with Softaculous.
I have tried to install as a main domain but Softaculous keeps giving error. When I install elkarte in a subfolder. It works.

For example:
-  when I try to install elkarte in http://mydomain = error
-  when I install elkarte in http://mydomain/subfolder = it works.

I have tested FluxBB , MyBB. They are ok to be installed in http://mydomain

If anyone wants to reproduce the issue using Softaculous to isntall elkarte. Let me know. I can create a shared hosting with cPanel  for you.

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #4

Manual install at https://mydomain is fine so there could be problem on softaculous side.

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #6

@Robert like I said in PM, there is something wrong with your cpanel settings, I wouldn't say it's an elkarte or softaculous error.
You have a valid certificate for your subdomain, but you don't have a working SSL ceritficate for your main domain.

You can repair your elkarte install without ssl certificate by running repair_settings.php and correct the paths, but I won't recommend this solution. Contact your host to see how you can apply a certificate for the main domain, not only for your subdomain.

The Mybb or Fluxbb installation are probably working without an ssl certificate (http not https connection).

Let us know if you solve this
sorry for my bad english

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #7

I just tested. elkarte can be installed with or without the SSL ceritficate. As long as it's installed in subfolder. I have contacted the host company. They told me that they can't help with third party software.

My offer is still available, I can give you a free shared hosting with cPanel  if you willing to check the issue. Just PM me your domain name.
Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 04:56:21 pm by Robert

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #8

it's not a third party software fault, just upload a simple html file to your domain and try to access it using https.
Of course elkarte, like every other forum, can be installed without a secure connection, but if you already have a certificate why not use it?

Thanks for your offer, but I already have a hosting and don't have plans to change it.
sorry for my bad english

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #11

at the time I checked you had ssl certificate only for your subdomain, so you solved this.
Now the easy part is to install elkarte, I can help you with that, it will surely work ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #12

Quote from: radu81 – at the time I checked you had ssl certificate only for your subdomain, so you solved this.
Now the easy part is to install elkarte, I can help you with that, it will surely work ;)

I want elkarte developer to take a look in Softaculous to see why it doesn't want to install in the root directory. That why I offer shared hosting with cpanel.

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #13

I write you a PM ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: make forum as landing (main) page?

Reply #14

You can give @radu81 a try.