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ElkArte "behind the wall"? Started by Steeley · · Read 2625 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ElkArte "behind the wall"?

Where I intend to install the forum is in a "restricted" (username/password) area of my server. And yes, allowing the email feature for posting/reading forum posts.
My initial question is whether ElkArte, installed in/under (an existing) "protected" directory structure, will encounter functional issues of which I should be aware (e.g. some ElkArte operation mimics a user operation requiring its own access authentication).


// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte "behind the wall"?

Reply #1

Since the links to the documentation in this section does not reveal user-privilege detail, a follow-on question (assuming that ElkArte needs to be in a unprotected directory), would be:
Is there a means of preventing an unauthorized user from reading ANY forum content - even if they have the url, (all they can access is a sign-up routine that requires admin authorization to approve)?

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: ElkArte "behind the wall"?

Reply #2

Yes exactly. So long you did not give guest access.


Re: ElkArte "behind the wall"?

Reply #3

Quote from: ahrasis – Yes exactly. So long you did not give guest access.

Thanks ahrasis..  Actually, both of my concerns were for naught...
I ran into issues with another package that will remain unnamed after install and much configuration that forced me to trash the whole thing and look for another solution - once bit, twice shy.. And I'm one of those that actually reads the documentation before unpacking the software.

But, I finally decided to bite the bullet and installed it for a test drive, and so far I'm pleased with what I'm seeing.

So, for the record - Yes, ElkArte runs just fine (so far) in/under a protected directory (which means nobody even gets access to it unless I give them a secret handshake), and, thusly, once so given, I don't have to moderate their registration unless I find I need that extra security at some point.

And, yes, as you affirmed, I discovered I can turn off guest viewing, so even if someone were to get access (or I later discover some protected-directory issue that requires I remove authentication), I can set guest so they still can't view the boards without registering first, and I can validate them at that point if I need to.   Sweet.  I like having options

So, while I wish the documentation were a bit better, the interface is clear enough that I haven't run into any difficulties yet, which is indicative of a good design and thusly encouraging.  If I do hit a snag,  and don't find a resolution here on the boards, I'll post up..

Thanks again..


// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //