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"Missing Key" error on reply-email Started by rjm · · Read 13796 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #30

I put the "fix" that I was thinking may work in place ... seems like those emoji are now displaying more normally.  I'm sure there are some other pages/categories that may cause a problem, just need to look for them. 

The basic problem is there are far more emoji then there is support for them in across the various emoji image libraries and even some browsers.  The browsers catch up pretty quickly, however the the library sets are slow to update, if they do at all.

When it comes time to do the replacements, if a multi-point emoji is not supported but is composed of supported single point emoji, you get all the single point images.  That is supposed to be the correct fallback as the individual emoji string is supposed to convey the same feeling/idea as the compound image.  That said its those modifiers that end up looking really odd.  The apple one was person shrugging - w/pale skin tone -w/male with a ZWJ stuffed in there as well.

So emoji:man_facepalming::zany_face:

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #31

Now you have to fix it so they don't look like garbage in emails...  :'(

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #32

Quote from: Steeley – Now you have to fix it so they don't look like garbage in emails...  :'(
They look fine in my email ... both in html and plain (base64) ... have you thought about using gmail? :tongue:

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #33

So you've been assimilated into the borg... for smilies? Your soul is cheap.. :-b


Did you exchange, a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

[~ Pink Floyd: "Wish You Were Here"]

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //


Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #35

If it's laughs you refer to, that's not a bad thing.. :white_check_mark:

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //