I have tried with this, Antechinus...and it was almost working.
Maybe I did something wrong, because the buttons get to much width on the left side, if the image is displayed.
If I try to change the width of the button, then the image or parts of it will diappear.
So I am still using float: left and a lot of margins...
it looks much better that way.
.button_strip_delete:before {
background-image: url(../images/theme/remove.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding: 45px 20px 0px 25px;
margin-top: -16px;
margin-left: -15px;
margin-right: -10px;
content: '';
float: left;
I did change all those
.pagesection .buttonlist .button_strip_reply:before {
and those
#moderationbuttons .buttonlist .button_strip_delete:before {
.button_strip_delete:before {
It is much better that way.
Now I do not need to add something like margin-bottom: -25px; to the buttonlist. With it the layout in forum became a mess,
some other buttons disappeared (for example "delete conversation" in PM), other buttons were getting to big (for example the buttons beyond the editor), etc.
It is also better without .pagesection .buttonlist, because - for example - the image for "mark read/mark unread" is used very often at several parts of the forum and with .button_strip_markread or .button_strip_mark_unread it will be shown everywhere - not only on one button.