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Shark Racing Club Italy Started by radu81 · · Read 23348 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Shark Racing Club Italy

a small italian forum dedicated to hyundai sport cars, born in 2004 on a board like "proboards" and moved to SMF in 2007. We did not had access to database so we started from scratch in 2007. Now we have about 25.000 messages and 500 users. It is not a forum that will grow up much as those cars are rare in Italy, but we keep it alive and I know personally probably 50 users of this forum, it's like a small family :)

Initially was a joomla 1.0 site with blog, gallery, articles, etc and an SMF forum. In 2010 I removed joomla and added Simple Portal. I had to migrate all articles to smf topics, and that was a pita. The articles are still visible as topics:

Today was converted to elkarte, it still needs some tweaking but is almost ready.
I'm using the default be_Social style and a few addons:
Attachment Image Resize   1.0.1
Fancy Box 4 ElkArte   1.0.1
Google Analytics tracking   0.0.1
Google Member Map   1.0.2
Inline Attachments   1.0
Remove Last Edit By   1.0.0
SimpleAds   1.0.2
SimplePortal   1.0.0 Beta 1!   0.3   

The difficult part was to convince the other moderators to abbandon tapatalk and aeva media, but in the end we did the best choice ;)
This was my last forum based on SMF
Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 10:12:51 am by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: Shark Racing Club Italy

Reply #1

Welcome again to the ElkArte family! xD
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Shark Racing Club Italy

Reply #2

Thank you  :D
sorry for my bad english

Re: Shark Racing Club Italy

Reply #3

and now running Elkarte 1.1.5 8)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Shark Racing Club Italy

Reply #4

Thats a nice theme you have there, great work ! 

Re: Shark Racing Club Italy

Reply #5

Thank you, if someone did not recognize it it's the default style beSocial variant with some small edits ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Shark Racing Club Italy

Reply #6

The name of the domain was choosed by the first admin of this forum (2004-2007), at that time it had a sense, since we were a forum dedicated to Hyundai Coupe (called Hyundai Tiburon in many countries, Tiburon = Shark). Now we treat all Hyundai sports models in our forum, so we choosed a new domain: It was not an easy choice, me and my moderators proposed different names, but we decided to keep the word "racing" and adding the brand Hyundai.
I know, we also need to update our logo, it will be done, but I really don't have time in this period. :(
sorry for my bad english

Re: Shark Racing Club Italy

Reply #7

Keeping the old domain as a pointer back to the new site as well I assume.  Thank goodness domain name registration is not much, and even better that the new name was available for you :D

Re: Shark Racing Club Italy

Reply #8

Yes, I keep the old domain with redirections to the new one, I think I will use it for a couple of years. Using .it domain instead of .com is much easier to find the available domain name.
sorry for my bad english