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Database Bakup Started by Zioclive · · Read 1566 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Database Bakup

well just migrated from smf 2.0.15 to 1.0.1 and upgraded to 1.1.15.

I felt the lack of a step by step guide, may be I could try in a separate post to give my contribution, just to help some others newbie.

Actually I can upload images and packages, but I'm not able to download a backup database, I'm not receiving a connection error just the download doesn't start.
My database is still "double sided" half SMF and half Elkarte (I still hace the SMF tables on it).

Could this affects the database's  download ?
Thanks in advance guys .

Re: Database Bakup

Reply #1

Can you check the error log if there is anything there?
How big is your database?
I assume you are trying to download it from Elk admin panel, right? Or are you trying from phpmyadmin?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Database Bakup

Reply #2

I think there isn't nothing special in the erros log just "Notice: php_uname() has been disabled for security reasons"

the database downloaded from phpmyadmin is 28 mb (unzipped)
Versione MySQL: 5.6
Yes, sorry, I'm having troubles from the elk admin panel.

Anyway i'ts not so important I can use phpmyadmin .

I'll get you informed if I'll have some good news.
Last Edit: October 17, 2018, 02:23:57 pm by Zioclive