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Moderation templates... OMG!! Started by emanuele · · Read 15720 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Moderation templates... OMG!!

I decided to dive into ModerationCenter.template.php (see you my beloved brain! :P).
First question:
Code: [Select]
<strong>', !empty($report['board_name']) ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?board=' . $report['board'] . '.0">' . $report['board_name'] . '</a>' : '??', ' / <a href="', $report['topic_href'], '">', $report['subject'], '</a></strong> ', $txt['mc_reportedp_by'], ' <strong>', $report['author']['link'], '</strong>

When do we actually expect not to have a board name there? ???
Any idea?
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Re: Moderation templates... OMG!!

Reply #1

Umm, when they're reporting a PM? Otherwise, never. Where do reported PM's go in Elk?
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Moderation templates... OMG!!

Reply #2

The same place are reported in SMF for now... heck I forgot to add the reporting I wrote a while ago... lol

And anyway if it were for PMs, the "??" label wouldn't be much useful.
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Re: Moderation templates... OMG!!

Reply #3

The reporting in SMF sux. When we started the CEMB forum we never used the default webmail addy, and it took a year or so before we even figured out where the reports were going. They should go to a designated board*, like the old vReportBoard mod.

*Or at least somewhere sensible like Admin or Moderation or something.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P


Re: Moderation templates... OMG!!

Reply #4

PM reports are just PMs, so it's not that there is much to figure out: you receive the PM and that's the report.
The fact that this is not idea is true.
I changed it to be exactly like messages report, and so have a page in the moderation center open to any admin.
As pointed out in the discussion the drawback is that you cannot pick which admin you want to send the report to, but to me this is fine (I suppose the idea is that you may want to report a PM from an admin to another admin, but is such a borderline case that if it is really like that you can just quote the PM directly to another admin).
It will be part of 1.1. :P
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