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To addon developers, question about integrate_actions Started by emanuele · · Read 4377 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

To addon developers, question about integrate_actions

Code: [Select]
		call_integration_hook('integrate_actions', array(&$actionArray, &$adminActions));

Did anyone use $adminActions in this hook?
I'm playing with the dispatcher and this parameter just became useless (at least in core, not sure in addons), so I was wondering if anyone used it in any addon.
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Re: To addon developers, question about integrate_actions

Reply #1

May be in multi forum addon but I have to check.

Re: To addon developers, question about integrate_actions

Reply #2

I think I used it in SimplePortal, Misery and one I can't talk about :P  May not have been needed in any of those but there since  they were converted, they remained in some cases.


Re: To addon developers, question about integrate_actions

Reply #3

I'll check those and see if it breaks a lot of stuff. :D

Basically, I realized that in 1.1 check for file_exist is redundant, because of the autoloader, and it's enough to test for is_callable. The autoloader already knows where to look for classes picking up by itself ADMINDIR or CONTROLLERDIR, so the $adminActions become pointless.
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