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"global $editortxt;" and so on necessary? Started by Jorin · · Read 5338 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

"global $editortxt;" and so on necessary?

I'm working with the language files and some of them have code like this, some not:

Code: [Select]
global $editortxt;

What is this for?

I downloaded your german language pack and there are differences between the original english file and the german translated one. For example, in index.english.php you will find:

Code: [Select]
// Version: 1.0; index

global $forum_copyright;

// Locale (strftime, pspell_new) and spelling. (pspell_new, can be left as '' normally.)

in index.german.php this part looks like:

Code: [Select]
// Version: 1.0; index

global $forum_copyright, $forum_version, $webmaster_email, $scripturl, $context, $boardurl;

// Locale (strftime, pspell_new) and spelling. (pspell_new, can be left as '' normally.)

You see the difference? Shouldn't this be the same?  :o  Should I better check the files and copy these codes from the english ones into the german files?

Re: "global $editortxt;" and so on necessary?

Reply #1

From where did you download the package?
If I download from:
the files look exactly the same as the English one.

If you have that code you likely downloaded an old version of the file... maybe a browser cache issue?
Try cleaning the cache or use another browser first.
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Features destroyer.
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Re: "global $editortxt;" and so on necessary?

Reply #2

I got the files from @TE a few days ago. Thought they were from your download section?

I will check this, thanks.