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[ REQUEST ] Global Moderators - Should not moderate themselves Started by AaronB · · Read 4834 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[ REQUEST ] Global Moderators - Should not moderate themselves

Feature request for a mod that will restrict Global Moderators or any moderator class from being able to respond to, delete or close any report made about a post that moderator has made. When ever a moderator has been reported that report goes to the Admin of the site and not the moderator.

Prevents moderators from running amok and causing issues on a site. I have seen it happen.

Re: [ REQUEST ] Global Moderators - Should not moderate themselves

Reply #1

Interesting, but I never needed such an option. I trust my moderators, maybe you should make more attention when choosing them. I know personally my moderators ;)
sorry for my bad english


Re: [ REQUEST ] Global Moderators - Should not moderate themselves

Reply #2

Hmmm ... got a bee in your bonnet? No need to be snarky.  If your moderators moderated all the sites on the planet then there would be no problem. Right?  Who would need any kind of security for moderators because the few we would need are already perfect? Right?

Fact is that there are bad choices made by Admins and owners. Permitting a moderator to moderate themself is a bit like letting the fox watch over your chicken house. As I mentioned before, I have seen moderators go bad ( none of my sites ) and create problems for the membership. Eventually they all get caught and dealt with but by then the damage to the site and the membership are done.

Never hurts to let the moderators know that they too are monitored and elevating reports about them to the Admin is a way to do that.