What is Modifications.english.php replacement file?
August 07, 2014, 10:52:27 am
I know that we can create our own language file for our mod. But I do not think it is necessary for all, unless it is a big mod that requires a lot of strings. So, as the topic stated, what is Modifications.english.php replacement file?
Re: What is Modifications.english.php replacement file?
Reply #3 – August 07, 2014, 01:37:45 pm
With all of the hooks that are now available, this should now be considered legacy. The mod should just include their own language file with a hook whenever necessary.
Re: What is Modifications.english.php replacement file?
Reply #4 – August 09, 2014, 11:24:39 pm
I don't see the need to create all that for a small mod, really. Long line of coding should depends a lot on forum owner. If it can be done via shorter codes and less files, why one should bother with long ones. Issue of mods' conflict will still be there whether a mod is created by a hook or otherwise. Where's the fun in coding if you didn't have the freedom of choice in doing it for your own forum?
Re: What is Modifications.english.php replacement file?
Reply #8 – August 12, 2014, 06:03:47 pm
You can always change your own forum, but the direction 'customizations' are trying to move is to make it possible to do things without editing files. Editing files is a huge source of issues.