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Avatar changing? Started by derived · · Read 3809 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Facebook style like system

Avatar changing?

i would like a mod that allows 1 user to, TEMPORARILY, replace another users avatar

like say, 
a smiley w/ users name above it, smiley is bouncing up and down - trying to put out a burning sack of fudge nuggets

this way I can be a hit and run bandit on my own sites, nailing any/every one with FB syndrome

I mean that in humor.

Though that would be a pretty cool mod
especially if it was user permissionable
(for 5 site bucks you can "goose" another user for 24 hrs)
Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 02:59:43 am by derived


Re: Avatar changing?

Reply #1

Sorry for being a pain, but moved to a new topic and a more fitting board based on the description you gave. ;D
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