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Hot topics (not the store) Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 3583 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Hot topics (not the store)

Remember the hot topic stuff icons? What if we did it right?

Pretty close to the same implementation as the trending tags idea, except this would rely on views/replies.

There would be two parts to the trending topics: with replies and with views. Replies would track topics which have a lot of recent replies by running a cron which does a query to see which X number of topics have the most replies in Y time.

Same idea goes for views, but instead of running a query on the topics, it will just keep another table that will be a queue of sort. Since one of the "features" that requires the most resources is click logging in SMF (not sure if that was removed in Elk), this needs to be implemented in another manner. It would only log people that have Javascript enabled. A benefit of that is that it doesn't affect loading for many crawlers (Google uses Javascript now).

An action called "logtopicview" with t=$topic & u=$user_id. Then it will add a new row to the log_topic_views table. I would make the granularity to the minute though. Don't need someone looking at the same topic 10 times in a minute and that counting for unique views. You could even make the granularity a variable. The table would be topic_id (int), user_id (int), viewed_at (int) (or datetime). The JS would call that action.

Re: Hot topics (not the store)

Reply #1

That may be interesting indeed!
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