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Birthday field during registration Started by radu81 · · Read 3546 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Birthday field during registration

I know there is no addon for this but is there any trick that can do this? For SMF there is a mod

it's useful to me to understand the target age of my users.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Birthday field during registration

Reply #1

Core features / Advanced Profile Fields have settings that make a field (1) a DATE type and (2) mandatory on registration. Do you think these could help? (visibility and edit access can be set, too)
Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 06:18:14 pm by hugbear

Re: Birthday field during registration

Reply #2

I didn't check, but I think hugbear is right. And if it doesn't work... it's a bug! :P
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Re: Birthday field during registration

Reply #3

I'll check but it will not act like the birthday field.
I think there was some discussions to make the birthday and location act like custom field
sorry for my bad english

Re: Birthday field during registration

Reply #4

Ohhh... you are right: birth date is the only "custom field" that doesn't act like a custom field. :-\
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