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In which file are those strings? Started by Ruth · · Read 35516 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

In which file are those strings?

I cannot find the strings for this part of the profiles:
The personal text, the location and the information about the gender:


The settings for them, if they are part of the profiles or not, have now to be done in the admin panel here:


In wich file are those strings for the "Extra Details" in the profile summary?


Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #1

Ah! Now I had seen it! Those are no strings.

I can edit them in the Adminpanel for the translation into german.

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #2

Yep, the gender is a custom field, so you can edit it, the drawback is that it cannot be localized based on the user language.
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Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #3

I can translate "Gender" into german language in the profile fields.
But if I translate "female" , "male" and "undisclosed" the icons for them in the profiles will disappear.

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #4

Yes... because the images are bound to the field value, then you have to put in your custom.css:
Code: [Select]
/* Gender icons are all from Font Awesome */
.i-female::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='black' stroke-width='9em' fill='%23ff80c8' viewBox='0 0 3584 3584'%3E%3Cpath d='M2816 1152q0 442-295 769t-729 375v520h448q28 0 46 18t18 46v128q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-448v448q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-448h-448q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-128q0-28 18-46t46-18h448v-520q-300-32-543-206t-372-448-105-584q22-268 161-498t364-376 491-176q340-38 638 108t472 424 174 612z m-2048 0q0 370 263 633t633 263 633-263 263-633-263-633-633-263-633 263-263 633z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

.i-male::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='black' stroke-width='9em' fill='%2380c8ff' viewBox='0 0 3584 3584'%3E%3Cpath d='M3200 256q52 0 90 38t38 90v832q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-524l-764 766q252 312 252 718 0 234-91 447t-246 368-368 246-447 91-447-91-368-246-246-368-91-447 91-447 246-368 368-246 447-91q406 0 718 252l764-764h-522q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-128q0-28 18-46t46-18h832z m-1792 2816q370 0 633-263t263-633-263-633-633-263-633 263-263 633 263 633 633 263z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

/* Was mercury */
.i-nonbinary::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='black' stroke-width='9em' fill='%23ffb780' viewBox='0 0 3584 3584'%3E%3Cpath d='M2172 632q290 144 467 421t177 611q0 442-295 769t-729 375v264h192q28 0 46 18t18 46v128q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-192v192q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-192h-192q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-128q0-28 18-46t46-18h192v-264q-434-48-729-375t-295-769q0-334 177-611t467-421q-330-192-456-546-12-32 7-59t53-27h138q42 0 58 40 88 212 280 342t428 130 428-130 280-342q16-40 74-40h122q34 0 53 27t7 59q-126 354-456 546z m-508 1928q370 0 633-263t263-633-263-633-633-263-633 263-263 633 263 633 633 263z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

/* Was intersex */
.i-bigendered::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='black' stroke-width='9em' fill='%23b780ff' viewBox='0 0 3584 3584'%3E%3Cpath d='M2304 64q0-28 18-46t46-18h576q52 0 90 38t38 90v576q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-268l-508 510q252 316 252 718 0 442-295 769t-729 375v264h192q28 0 46 18t18 46v128q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-192v192q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-192h-192q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-128q0-28 18-46t46-18h192v-264q-298-32-541-206t-373-447-106-583q32-408 320-707t694-345q236-28 456 38t396 206l510-508h-268q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-128z m-896 2496q370 0 633-263t263-633-263-633-633-263-633 263-263 633 263 633 633 263z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

/* Was transgender-alt */
.i-transgendered::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='black' stroke-width='9em' fill='%23523366' viewBox='0 0 3584 3584'%3E%3Cpath d='M2560 64q0-28 18-46t46-18h576q52 0 90 38t38 90v576q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-268l-508 510q252 316 252 718 0 442-295 769t-729 375v264h192q28 0 46 18t18 46v128q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-192v192q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-192h-192q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-128q0-28 18-46t46-18h192v-264q-434-48-729-375t-295-769q0-402 252-718l-104-106-202 222q-18 20-44 21t-46-15l-96-88q-20-16-21-43t17-47l210-230-222-224v268q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-576q0-52 38-90t90-38h576q28 0 46 18t18 46v128q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-266l212 214 172-188q18-20 44-21t46 15l96 88q20 16 21 43t-17 47l-180 198 114 112q316-252 718-252t718 252l510-508h-268q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-128z m-896 2496q370 0 633-263t263-633-263-633-633-263-633 263-263 633 263 633 633 263z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

/* Was neuter */
.i-genderless::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='black' stroke-width='6em' fill='%23b3ff80' viewBox='0 0 3584 3584'%3E%3Cpath d='M2816 1152q0 442-295 769t-729 375v1224q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-1224q-434-48-729-375t-295-769q0-234 91-447t246-368 368-246 447-91 447 91 368 246 246 368 91 447z m-1152 896q370 0 633-263t263-633-263-633-633-263-633 263-263 633 263 633 633 263z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

/* Was genderless */
.i-undisclosed::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='black' stroke-width='4em' stroke-dasharray='9em,9em' fill='transparent' viewBox='0 0 3584 3584'%3E%3Cpath d='M3328 1792q0 418-206 771t-559 559-771 206-771-206-559-559-206-771 206-771 559-559 771-206 771 206 559 559 206 771z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
translating the genders into German.
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Template killer.

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #5

Is there any chance to change this? If I understand this right every translator has to remember this case and MUST offer a custom.css? Not really?!?  :o

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #6

 ;D  It seems a bit uncomfortable to me...but it is working now..

I added this in my custom.css:

Code: [Select]
/* Gender icons are all from Font Awesome */
.i-weiblich::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='black' stroke-width='9em' fill='%23ff80c8' viewBox='0 0 3584 3584'%3E%3Cpath d='M2816 1152q0 442-295 769t-729 375v520h448q28 0 46 18t18 46v128q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-448v448q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-448h-448q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-128q0-28 18-46t46-18h448v-520q-300-32-543-206t-372-448-105-584q22-268 161-498t364-376 491-176q340-38 638 108t472 424 174 612z m-2048 0q0 370 263 633t633 263 633-263 263-633-263-633-633-263-633 263-263 633z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

.i-männlich::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='black' stroke-width='9em' fill='%2380c8ff' viewBox='0 0 3584 3584'%3E%3Cpath d='M3200 256q52 0 90 38t38 90v832q0 28-18 46t-46 18h-128q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-524l-764 766q252 312 252 718 0 234-91 447t-246 368-368 246-447 91-447-91-368-246-246-368-91-447 91-447 246-368 368-246 447-91q406 0 718 252l764-764h-522q-28 0-46-18t-18-46v-128q0-28 18-46t46-18h832z m-1792 2816q370 0 633-263t263-633-263-633-633-263-633 263-263 633 263 633 633 263z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
/* Was genderless */
.i-keines::before {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' stroke='black' stroke-width='4em' stroke-dasharray='9em,9em' fill='transparent' viewBox='0 0 3584 3584'%3E%3Cpath d='M3328 1792q0 418-206 771t-559 559-771 206-771-206-559-559-206-771 206-771 559-559 771-206 771 206 559 559 206 771z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

And this in the custom-field in the admin panel:


I don't like the way, the profiles and the "Extra Details" are organized now, very much: 

I cannot change the place for the personal text, the gender and the location - no reaction, if I try it.  :-\ They have to be now in the "Extra Details" or above the signature in profile summary.

The personal text, the gender and the location should be more above in the profiles, as they were always before, not at the bottom of the profiles. We are using this part of the profiles (and the part above the signatures) for other custom profile fields. It is disturbing me there. :P Don't looks very nice.

In the poster info in the posts the icon/information about the E-Mail and the website has gone. So I think, I have to create custom profile fields for those icons, too. I have not tried it yet. Will they be twice to see in the profiles, if I do this? Or will the website disappear from the memberlist, if I choose "show it in the poster info" for this custom field?
Last Edit: March 01, 2018, 04:35:48 am by Ruth

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #7

I am too not happy with the new layout. What were the reasons for the change?

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #8

Quote from: Ruth – I cannot change the place for the personal text, the gender and the location - no reaction, if I try it.  :-\ They have to be now in the "Extra Details" or above the signature in profile summary.

The personal text, the gender and the location should be more above in the profiles, as they were always before, not at the bottom of the profiles. We are using this part of the profiles (and the part above the signatures) for other custom profile fields. It is disturbing me there. :P Don't looks very nice.
hmm... nobody talked about this before. Honestly I don't use profile pages much, except for banning people... and this doesn't need much niceties. :P

Quote from: Ruth – In the poster info in the posts the icon/information about the E-Mail and the website has gone.
Website and emails are there on this website, are icons, are you sure they are filled?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #9

Quote from: Jorin – I am too not happy with the new layout. What were the reasons for the change?
Because this is technically better and more manageable in the long run.
Bugs creator.
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Template killer.

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #10

Quote from: emanuele – hmm... nobody talked about this before. Honestly I don't use profile pages much, except for banning people... and this doesn't need much niceties. :P

Because you don't use them doesn't mean all others do so too. A lot of people like profile pages, me and my users too. We need a good looking profile page with all information useful arranged.  ;)

Quote from: emanuele – Because this is technically better and more manageable in the long run.

Show a information at the bottom of the page instead of the top makes the page more manageable?  :o


Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #11

Quote from: emanuele – Website and emails are there on this website, are icons, are you sure they are filled?

Yes. They are there in the profiles and in the memberlist, but not in the poster info in the posts, Emanuele

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #12

Quote from: emanuele – hmm... nobody talked about this before. Honestly I don't use profile pages much, except for banning people... and this doesn't need much niceties. :P

We are using the custom fields in the profiles for a little information about our hobbies, some pictures, etc. ;)

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #13

Quote from: Jorin –
Quote from: emanuele – hmm... nobody talked about this before. Honestly I don't use profile pages much, except for banning people... and this doesn't need much niceties. :P

Because you don't use them doesn't mean all others do so too. A lot of people like profile pages, me and my users too. We need a good looking profile page with all information useful arranged.  ;)
My sentence didn't imply any of that, the implication was that nobody else looked at them and nobody else (included you) noticed before now.

Quote from: Jorin –
Quote from: emanuele – Because this is technically better and more manageable in the long run.

Show a information at the bottom of the page instead of the top makes the page more manageable?  :o
Collect information and show them in a consistent (code-wise) way and not by means of hack and tricks is indeed more manageable.
The positioning on the page is not all there is to it and is not set in stone. Things can change if the attitude is positive and not a fully conservative one. ;)
Bugs creator.
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Template killer.

Re: In which file are those strings?

Reply #14

Quote from: Ruth –
Quote from: emanuele – Website and emails are there on this website, are icons, are you sure they are filled?

Yes. They are there in the profiles and in the memberlist, but not in the poster info in the posts, Emanuele
Well, this works here (see attachment), so it's not a general problem, but something specific to your use-case, there is to investigate.

Quote from: Ruth –
Quote from: emanuele – hmm... nobody talked about this before. Honestly I don't use profile pages much, except for banning people... and this doesn't need much niceties. :P

We are using the custom fields in the profiles for a little information about our hobbies, some pictures, etc. ;)
That's good. Since you have a specific case and as far as I remember this is the first time I see it, I couldn't do anything before.
Indeed there are possibilities and it's worth exploring how to solve the issue, as usual everything can be improved.
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