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Russian localization Started by forumovod · · Read 27456 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Russian localization

For some reason, there is no topic about Russian localization here. Although the SMF had a large community....
I haven't tested Elkarte and don't know how well it is localized into Russian.

Re: Russian localization

Reply #1

I know you can write but I don't know that you can't read. :P

There is info in the landing page. Anybody can freely contribute to ElkArte and this forum but that doesn't mean you can beat in the bush because like elsewhere, we agreed to rules while signing up.


Re: Russian localization

Reply #5

Sorry for my English

Re: Russian localization

Reply #6

Thanks. I saw it and already downloaded it)
I repeat that this theme was created to attract attention to Elkarte of the Russian community, which uses SMF. Many of them do not know that Elkarte has Russian localization.

Re: Russian localization

Reply #7

I found an error in the translation.
line 348

Because of this error, the main page shows not the number of topics, but the number of deleted and moved topics
Code: [Select]
$txt['board_topics'] = 'Удаление и перенос тем';

Change to
Code: [Select]
$txt['board_topics'] = 'тем';

Fixed file in the attachment

Re: Russian localization

Reply #8

QuoteI found an error in the translation.
line 348
Fixed / Исправлено
Sorry for my English

Re: Russian localization

Reply #9

error in the translation

line 183
Code: [Select]
$txt['showTopics'] = 'Удаление и перенос тем';
Change to
Code: [Select]
$txt['showTopics'] = 'Темы';

line 82
Code: [Select]
$txt['mc_unapproved_replies'] = 'Ответов';
Change to
Code: [Select]
$txt['mc_unapproved_replies'] = 'Сообщения, требующие одобрения';

line 83
Code: [Select]
$txt['mc_unapproved_topics'] = 'Удаление и перенос тем';
Change to
Code: [Select]
$txt['mc_unapproved_topics'] = 'Темы, требующие одобрения';

Fixed files in the attachment.

Re: Russian localization

Reply #10

Прикреплять файлы сюда не нужно. Название файла, ключ, номер, старое и новое содержимое строки - этих данных достаточно.
Возможно кому-то будет это интересно: перевод языковых файлов делается на этом сайте - .
Sorry for my English

Re: Russian localization

Reply #11

Quote from: inter – Возможно кому-то будет это интересно: перевод языковых файлов делается на этом сайте - .

Я сейчас пока тестирую движок на своем новом сайте
Когда накопится какой-то опыт использования Elkarte, то попробую понять как делать перевод в transifex))
Last Edit: September 28, 2022, 12:39:17 pm by forumovod

Re: Russian localization

Reply #12

ошибки перевода можно и в этой теме оставлять, на transifex идти не обязательно.
Sorry for my English

Re: Russian localization

Reply #13


It looks pretty complete, but there are a some missing lines. 

You should be able to register for an ID on After that you can see the current state at which will show each file and the number of untranslated strings.

Re: Russian localization

Reply #14

Error in the translation:
Code: [Select]
$txt['remove'] = 'Удалить тему';
Change to
Code: [Select]
$txt['remove'] = 'Удалить';

To change:
Code: [Select]
// Post settings (when I implement the post interface)
$txt['ila_insert'] = 'Вставьте вложение %1$dв сообщение';
$txt['ila_title'] = 'Миниатюра в конце сообщения';
$txt['ila_opt_size'] = 'Размер';
$txt['ila_opt_align'] = 'Выравнивание';
$txt['ila_opt_size_thumb'] = 'Миниатюра';
$txt['ila_option2'] = 'Текстовая ссылка';
$txt['ila_option3'] = 'Короткая текстовая ссылка';
$txt['ila_opt_size_full'] = 'Полный размер';
$txt['ila_opt_size_cust'] = 'Пользовательский размер';
$txt['ila_opt_align_none'] = 'Нет';
$txt['ila_opt_align_left'] = 'Слева';
$txt['ila_opt_align_right'] = 'Справа';
$txt['ila_opt_align_center'] = 'По центру';
$txt['ila_confirm_removal'] = 'Вы уверены, что хотите навсегда удалить это вложение?';
Code: [Select]
$txt['insert'] = 'Вставить';