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un approved topics Started by emanuele · · Read 7349 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

un approved topics

Quote! There are -1 topics and 0 posts awaiting approval in this board. Click here to view them all.

Obviously a data consistency issue: something has not been updated the moment the topic has been unapproved.

I was thinking to add something like max(0, $changes['something']) in the last two UPDATE queries of approvePosts.
Though there is also to catch the reason why the data has been inconsistent in the first place and at the moment I'm not sure where it is, though since the board in question is the recycle bin, I think it has to do with some of the "special cases" related to that kind of board. I wonder why frequently that board is considered's not, it's just another board.
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Re: un approved topics

Reply #1

LOL. -1 topics. I guess that means the moderatz0rs are a little ahead of the game today.  :D
~((0040 + 0x20) + (0b111 << 1))
"You never said something, for me, to penny mention work a barbecue pit." ~ Gilligan

Re: un approved topics

Reply #2

 emanuele is efficient! O:-)
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