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anti-spam questions Started by emanuele · · Read 9302 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

anti-spam questions

Since I was a bit bored and thought it was something easy (except I wasted some time because of the upgrade issue lol) I moved the anti-spam questions from log_comments to their own table.
Doing this I also added a new field "language" to the table to start thinking about questions in multiple languages.

I remember once Arantor suggested also multiple answers for each question, that would probably be nice too. If I'm not wrong from the db-side the best way to handle that would be to split the table in two: questions and answers. Maybe we could use some other trick (like add another field referencing to the question.
Not sure what is more practical.
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Re: anti-spam questions

Reply #1

Eh, I think you're overcomplicating it. I certainly didn't get as fancy as that, especially given all the scenarios where questions might be called for. I simply took the possibilities and stuffed them into arrays, and serialized it before storing in _settings, subdividing by language, then question then answer.


Re: anti-spam questions

Reply #2
I'm known to make things complex! (especially at that time of the day)
Funny thing is that I "like" serialize and it's strange I didn't thought about it...
Bugs creator.
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Re: anti-spam questions

Reply #3

What are all the scenarios where questions might be used?

I'd love to see all this cleaned-up, at the level of code design/implementation, I mean. As for db, it sounds better (if a little over-), considering that querying that table will not be very often anyway, will it? If it will - I don't see it atm - we might want to "cache" (as Ema put it on another issue) in settings.
Database design-wise, normalization vs serialization. Performance-wise, serialization vs normalization.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.

Re: anti-spam questions

Reply #4

Questions may be used anywhere that the CAPTCHA might be used: registration, posting, searching.

Typically, though, it will be the first registration and maybe the first few posts for users.

Re: anti-spam questions

Reply #5

Another FYI: while doing that I decided to destroy the entire anti-spam thing, so expect few changes to the area next time I push something...meaningful? Heck, did you ever see meaningful code coming from my fingers? O_o
Bugs creator.
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Re: anti-spam questions

Reply #6

You wait until you play with the moderation/warnings code! That's lots of fun.

Re: anti-spam questions

Reply #7

 emanuele doesn't plan to live that long... :P
Bugs creator.
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Re: anti-spam questions

Reply #9

 emanuele posted in the wrong topic... lol
Bugs creator.
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Re: anti-spam questions

Reply #10

Oh, thank you, this is cool! Much more readable and quite similar to other design (can't speak for the details on the run)

Names for the classes would be Control_Verification_Something, in tone with the pattern.

Quote(I mean in general, I know it's probably broken :P)
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.