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[ADDON] Multiple badges Started by emanuele · · Read 9097 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[ADDON] Multiple badges

Multiple badges V0.1.0

o This ElkArte Addon is subject to the terms of the BSD "3-clause" license. You can obtain a copy of the License at

Badges for everybody!! :D
Do you want to show all the badges/member groups on your forum?
Here it is the addon for you. :P

Future development:
  • Sorting of groups
  • Groups on personal messages
Known issues:
  • The groups are not shown in the PM page

Repository / Download

Change log

  • 0.0.1 - Initial release
  • 0.1.0 - Added the option to decide which badges show, fixed some bugs
Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 12:32:56 pm by emanuele
Bugs creator.
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Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #1

Installed, and tried it.
Have few issues:

1. What I select to show, once save, shows the wrong ones checked. I have tried this several times, and it keeps unchecking what I select, and checking ones I did not. EDIT: Just keep hitting save, and it keeps on changing.

2. When does get one correct, it shows the same badge 2 times on main admin account.


Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #2

Code: (find) [Select]
		foreach ($mb_membergroups as $id => $val)
Code: (replace with) [Select]
		foreach ($mb_membergroups as $val)
$id = $val['id'];

I'll fix the repo... whenever I find the time to create the zip (/me is messing with java... brain overheating... danger!)
Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 08:06:53 am by emanuele
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Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #3

Um.... Which file is that in?
I searched all the files from the zip and not in them, so I have no idea. :P LOL

Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #4

Fixed the code to search above that was slightly broken.
The file is MultiBadges.class.php.
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Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #5

That fixed the checking the boxes issue. :)

Now, why does it show the second group 2 times for main admin account, I wonder....

Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #6

I can't replicate, unless I didn't got what you meant, so... screenshot and detailed explanation of the settings would be handy.
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Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #7

How do you configure this addon?  I installed it, but can't find it anywhere in the admin center.

Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #8

Quote from: txcas – How do you configure this addon?  I installed it, but can't find it anywhere in the admin center.

Under the membergroup settings.
You'll see it, underneath the Groups allowed to change membergroups.

However, I just installed this onto my site, and not seeing any other badges.

Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #9

Quote from: Burke Knight –
Quote from: txcas – How do you configure this addon?  I installed it, but can't find it anywhere in the admin center.

Under the membergroup settings.
You'll see it, underneath the Groups allowed to change membergroups.

However, I just installed this onto my site, and not seeing any other badges.
Thanks, I found it but like in your case, no badges are being displayed.

Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #10

 emanuele keeps this one unread, next week I'll check it out... :(
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Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #11

Well, I am not sure if it took a few minutes to generate the badges, but now I see them,

Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #12

And keeping it unread I missed your answer...
So does it work as expected?
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Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #13

Yes it is working for me.

Re: [ADDON] Multiple badges

Reply #14

Better for me! LOL
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