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Forum Died please help! Started by D.M. · · Read 13376 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Forum Died please help!

After adding a couple of Addon packages I was editing the language pack strings and translating when I noticed that it wouldnt update when I hit save on the page, after that I thought that it might be a problem since I had the selected language on English in my profile settings, after going to my profile settings and changing the language to the translated one which I had as the default forum language I got an error of death and now the forum is completely dead and cant do anything anymore after working for a month setting it up I wouldnt want to see it go down the drain, are the addons infected with malware ?

this is the error message I am getting


This is written in the error log:
[12-Jul-2024 18:11:35 Europe/Belgrade] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "actual_theme_dir" in /home/techsector7/ on line 2535

UPDATE: Oh my heavens, I have no actual idea what happened but I was able to fix it using ChatGPT.... Since the error wasn't caused by anything in particular, and it just popped up suddenly like an hour after adding some addons

I now have a new problem ... I fixed the issue with the theme file edits and wanted to remove the addon since I found out the culprit and now I cant remove it, it's the Tabbed Smileys obviously check this out:


gives me an error when trying to clean it up ... Damn , this is really a big problem now
Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 12:59:36 pm by Denis M.

Re: Forum Died please help!

Reply #1

Update: After I reverted the Load.php file to the bugged out version, I was able to get through the frontend error with adding this code to the Settings.php:

// Turn off error reporting
ini_set('display_errors', 0);

After that I visited the package manager again and tried uninstalling the Tabbed Smileys once again but it gave me the same error when clicked saying it couldnt run TabbedSmileys.js

I made a backup of the whole Forum and clicked uninstall anyway, It uninstalled but I am scared that there's gonna be problems like this in the future, I could use any type of advice on what to avoid when installing addons and what mistake did I make ? Or was it the themes fault by it being incompatible ?

Would be very grateful if someone could diagnose this whole issue !

Thanks in advance !

Re: Forum Died please help!

Reply #2

Where did you get your version of tabbed smileys ?  I had made an update to the addon here: but its not on the addon site as its not mine to update.

I don't think that addon makes any theme edits, so once installed it should work on all installed themes.

If you go to install an addon that says use emulation mode, use caution.

Quote from: Denis M. – aying it couldnt run TabbedSmileys.js
Did it say that or that it could not find that file?  Since JS only runs on the browser, thats an odd error to see.

Re: Forum Died please help!

Reply #3

You can simply proceed to uninstall. Clean that file manually, if it is still needed, later.

Re: Forum Died please help!

Reply #4

Quote from: Spuds – Where did you get your version of tabbed smileys ?  I had made an update to the addon here: but its not on the addon site as its not mine to update.

I don't think that addon makes any theme edits, so once installed it should work on all installed themes.

If you go to install an addon that says use emulation mode, use caution.

Quote from: Denis M. – aying it couldnt run TabbedSmileys.js
Did it say that or that it could not find that file?  Since JS only runs on the browser, thats an odd error to see.

Oh I was downloading Addons from the Addon site :O

How can I enter emulation mode ?

I have no actual idea why the TabbedSmileys.js didnt work, but I have sucessfully uninstalled it even though it gave an error and thankfully it didnt break the forums, now I'm just worried about the various hooks and modification residue it may have left in the code that might interfere in the future, I'm pretty lost when it comes to manually running hooks tried looking it up but it seems that it's not so simple to find out which ones are modified :x

Quote from: ahrasis – You can simply proceed to uninstall. Clean that file manually, if it is still needed, later.

Yeah that's what I did, it's currently working since I added the fix in the themes Load.php file, but I am concerned about the other code changes it left behind , not sure exactly how to find all the edits it may have done

That emulation mode seems like a nice thing, would love to hear more about it

Also I posted about another issue I had, where the code edits popup on the frontend only after about an hour or two ? Is that an automatic caching by my hosting provider or something ? Since I have caching turned off on ElkArte

Thanks for the advice gentlemen !

Re: Forum Died please help!

Reply #5

I normally restore original ElkArte files by extracting them overwriting the modified files.

Re: Forum Died please help!

Reply #6

Since you managed to fix the theme issue, try manually removing the addon files from the server if you can’t do it through the admin panel. Also, check if there are any database entries related to the addon that you can delete or adjust.

Re: Forum Died please help!

Reply #7

Where is everyone these days?

Re: Forum Died please help!

Reply #8

Here and there, perhaps everywhere at the same time...  :cool:

Re: Forum Died please help!

Reply #9

I was going to answer but with so many just moving around by the time I had a list together of where they were they weren't anymore.

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //