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Some addons can not be installed Started by Mrs. Chaos · · Read 2668 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Some addons can not be installed

recently I've imported my SMF forum to ElkArte.
I'd installed the 1.0.10, did the import, upgraded with the to 1.1.1 , and updated then with the patches to 1.1.2 and 1.1.3.

Now I have problems to install some addons. With those:
- Fancy Box
- Simple Audio Video Embedder
- HTML5 Video Audio Embedder
- Rename Topic

The installations of some old, which are just for 1.0.x, worked well (with the note: Emulation of a 1.0.x version) , but the addons which were updated for 1.1.x can not be installed. These error messages then appear:

You cannot download or install new packages because the "packages" directory or one of the files in it are not writable!


Error in package installation
At least one error was encountered during a test installation of this package.
It is strongly recommended that you do not continue with installation unless you know what you are doing, and have made a backup very recently.

This error may be caused by a conflict between the package you're trying to install and another package you have already installed, an error in the package, a package which requires another package that you have not installed yet, or a package designed for another version of the software.

The package directory is writable on 777 and I also tried it with the creation of a temp folder in it.
Where can the error be?
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.0

Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #1

Be sure all files and subdirectories are also 777. The installation errors are likely caused by similar issues. File edits or file insertions cannot take place because the file or directory is not writeable. 

The installation procedure should include a link to show more about which files or directories it cannot write. Fix these, refresh, and the installation should work.  ;)

Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #2

All necessary directories and folders are writable. It has to be something else.
I also have a test forum installed (a direct installation with the and in it all addons could be installed without problems. Only in my main forum I have problems now. Strange. :o

I also tried it with changing the directory owner from "FTP user" to "PHP user" for the installations, but that didn't help.
Can I install the addons somehow manually?

The image shows the before and after of a try to install the FancyBox.

Test Erfolgreich = test successful
Änderungs-Ausführungsfehler = Error while making the change
Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 09:29:22 am by Mrs. Chaos
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.0


Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #3

I am not sure what were your true issues there but you should try @badmonkey's advise first.

Most of us are using 1.1.3 installation without much problems. I only detected and reported filemtime issue which is already noted and should be fixed in 1.1.4.

Another way that I can think is that, if you have proper backup of current files and database, try to upload and extract the whole 1.1.3 files, overwriting the current files and see whether that fixed your issues.

Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #4

@Mrs. Chaos what is the difference between the upper half of the image you posted and the lower half?
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Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #5

In the first half, the descriptions of the individual points can be seen on the right, as they are displayed before the installation attempt. But you can also see under "Action" what they are for. So I could have left out the upper part actually...
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.0

Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #6

I'm still not sure what is "between" the "before" and "after". :)
I mean, you do an installation attempt and you get the first screen.
Then what do you do? Install or go somewhere?
Bugs creator.
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Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #7

The "before" shows a part of the installation process of the Fancy Box. Similar is it with the Simple Audio Video Embedder.
After uploading the ZIP and clicking on "install", the "before" is shown at first. After filling in the data for FileZilla and clicking again on install, the page "after" is there.

Can with the import of the data from the SMF forum something have been imported with it, that prevents the installation of the addons now?
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.0

Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #8

Now I got it. :)

hmm... So, even if the first test give you "all green", you are presented with the ftp form?
hmm... To check.
Bugs creator.
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Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #9

I'm not sure if the first test is an "all green" or if it only lists which actions are executed during the following installation.
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.0

Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #10

I've now set the entire forum to "writable" 777. After that, the installing of all addons worked. But also before that, all directories and subdirectories have been writable, especially those of the package directory.
Okay, now are all addons installed. :)

For which directories, folders and pages, which can have nothing to do with the addons, should I change the file attributes for security reasons back to "not writable", for example to 755 ?
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.0

Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #11

hmm... could it be the root of the forum is not owned by the ftp user?
Bugs creator.
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Re: Some addons can not be installed

Reply #12

It does. The root of the forum is owned by the ftp user.
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.0