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[1.1.5] manage drafts area Started by Jorin · · Read 7166 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #1

Do you get any errors on elkarte log? I can access that area on my forum
sorry for my bad english

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #2

Or check your server logs if the ElkArte log is clear .. that could be some PHP version issue that we missed.

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #3

Here's the error log. It seems it's my fault.


The three lines 424 - 426 are:

Code: [Select]
<li class="copyright">| <a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=5226.0">Forum-Knigge</a></li>
<li class="copyright">| <a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=7773.0">Datenschutzerklärung</a></li>
<li class="copyright">| <a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=7255.0">Impressum</a></li>',

I changed them to:

Code: [Select]
<li class="copyright">| <a href=",5226.0.html">Forum-Knigge</a></li>
<li class="copyright">| <a href=",7773.0.html">Datenschutzerklärung</a></li>
<li class="copyright">| <a href=",7255.0.html">Impressum</a></li>',

...but have the same error. The error log keeps empty now, but I still cannot reach the page to set the drafts.

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #4

That's not default theme. Something must be off in that custom theme's file(s).

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #5

The only thing I've done, I changed these parts:

Code: [Select]
	// Show RSS link, as well as the copyright.
// Footer is full-width. Wrapper inside automatically matches admin width setting.
echo '
<footer id="footer_section"><a id="bot"></a>
<div class="wrapper">
<li class="copyright">',
theme_copyright(), '
<li class="copyright">| <a href=",5226.0.html">Forum-Knigge</a></li>
<li class="copyright">| <a href=",7773.0.html">Datenschutzerklärung</a></li>
<li class="copyright">| <a href=",7255.0.html">Impressum</a></li>',
!empty($context['newsfeed_urls']['rss']) ? '<li>
<a id="button_rss" href="' . $context['newsfeed_urls']['rss'] . '" class="rssfeeds new_win"><i class="icon icon-margin i-rss icon-big"><s>' . $txt['rss'] . '</s></i></a>
</li>' : '',


Code: [Select]
	// Anything special to put out?
if (!empty($context['insert_after_template']))
echo $context['insert_after_template'];

echo '
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Even with the default theme I can't reach the page. But my default looks much like my blueish theme, so I plan to upload the default from an install package and check it then. But to be sure I plan to rename the default to keep it as a backup first.

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #6

That index error is likely not the issue, otherwise none of the pages of your forum would work.

What version of php are you using?
Here with 7.3 I have many other problems, but not that one.
Any addon installed?
Can you check the apache logs? This should give a more detailed reason as to why the page fails to load.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #7

I don't think this one is tracked yet for 1.1.6.

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #8

Tracked as unconfirmed since we lack additional debug information ...

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #9

Quote from: emanuele – What version of php are you using?
Here with 7.3 I have many other problems, but not that one.
Any addon installed?
Can you check the apache logs? This should give a more detailed reason as to why the page fails to load.

Sorry for the late answer.  :-[

PHP Version: 7.2.13-nmm1

AEVA BBCode replacement   0.0.1
AmazonAffiliate4ElkArte   1.0
Attachment Image Resize   1.0.5
Bookmarks   2.5
Descriptive Links   1.0.2
ElkArte 1.1.3 patch   1.1.3
ElkArte 1.1.4 patch   1.1.4
ElkArte 1.1.5 patch   1.0
Inline Attachments   1.0
Print to PDF   1.0.7
Topic Author   1.1

Hm, I tried to find apache logs, but don't know where.  :-[

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #10

Okay, try like this: open the drafts management page, then go to the error log. See if anything appeared in the last few moments.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #11

Nope, sorry. I clicked on the drafts title on the core features page and the error log is still empty after that.  :(

Can I upload some unchanged files to fix that? To test that maybe an addon is the problem?

Re: [1.1.5] manage drafts area

Reply #12

I think we need to find that error log.

Do you use cpanel or some other panel to manage your server?

You can go to Admin->Main->Support & Credits and select the "more details" button next to your php version.  On that page search for "error_log" ... that entry it will either be empty/no value or have a path value.

If it has a path then that is where your PHP error log is saved, if no path is defined then you are using the system error log which is likely /var/log/apache2/error.log