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Will there be a major release anytime soon? Started by victus · · Read 2787 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Hello, I was wondering if there would be a upcoming major release...

I'f I make a custom theme, and there would be a big release, say ElkArte 2.0, do I have to recreate the theme or??
Last Edit: February 11, 2021, 09:10:17 am by victus

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #1

The next release will be 1.1.7 so a dot release, and that may be the end of the 1.1 line unless we find some major gaff that requires another release.   At least that is my hope !

2.0 is being actively worked on, but there is no release date (have you ever heard that before with software).  But really we have not had an alpha or bta of that version, so it will be a bit yet.   Will it break themes, probably somewhat but so far nothing that major that I can recall.  Heck its pretty much running the current default theme w/o major changes.

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #2

Speaking of which, for 2.0 it would make sense to revamp the CSS to use CSS variables for elements with standard colours. There won't be any need to support IE by the time 2.0 is beta, and every other browser has full native support. Dropping in variables in sensible places would be pretty quick and easy, both for initial 2.0 code changes and for updating existing themes.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #3

MS Edge is the official IE replacement and technically is also a chrome browser, so yes, I agree that there is no need to support IE anymore.

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #4

Good points.   Last night I was thinking to ripping out the browser detector except for maybe phone/pad stuff.  But the rest of that detection seems useless anymore.

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #5

In terms of features, I'd gladly break up everything and too in any thing I would think of, though reasonably speaking there isn't much.
In terms of backend, there are so many things we could do it's not even funny.
So, at the end of the day, I guess we can just decide to draw a line, I've been working a bit on the quickmoderation, then recently I was wondering it prefixes could be useful in 2.0, and apart from that I have no further ideas. We can keep breaking the backend in 2.1, it should be flexible enough not to affect addons.

Theme-wise, yep a bit of work would be nice, but as I'm terrible with markup, I have no idea about the amount of work required.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #6

Quote from: Spuds – Good points.   Last night I was thinking to ripping out the browser detector except for maybe phone/pad stuff.  But the rest of that detection seems useless anymore.
You can do a lot with @supports in media queries. I'm not sure there's a need for any back end detection these days.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #7

Quote from: Antechinus –
Quote from: Spuds – Good points.   Last night I was thinking to ripping out the browser detector except for maybe phone/pad stuff.  But the rest of that detection seems useless anymore.
You can do a lot with @supports in media queries. I'm not sure there's a need for any back end detection these days.

I agree it can be removed. css pretty much handles it all now, I’ve not had the need to detect the browser other than for file downloads in years.

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #8

Quote from: emanuele – In terms of features, I'd gladly break up everything and too in any thing I would think of, though reasonably speaking there isn't much.
In terms of backend, there are so many things we could do it's not even funny.
So, at the end of the day, I guess we can just decide to draw a line, I've been working a bit on the quickmoderation, then recently I was wondering it prefixes could be useful in 2.0, and apart from that I have no further ideas. We can keep breaking the backend in 2.1, it should be flexible enough not to affect addons.

Theme-wise, yep a bit of work would be nice, but as I'm terrible with markup, I have no idea about the amount of work required.

While the feature musing goes on, I'll raise my hand again and jump around and go whooo whooo about an admin setting for a registration email default  option as I posted here. .

I used to say I was too proud to beg, but that was a lie:-[

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #9

CSS variables can be quite useful for adding things like default padding, default margins, default front/back color, CSS animation speed etc. Anything you are bound to tie up in a single-style class, like a "smallpadding" class, can better be used as a CSS variable and just added in the classes or ids you want to style like a  "smallpadding". It kind of makes using multiple classes ("posts inline floatright smallpadding") obsolete because you rather just pick the variable for displaying inline..or floating right. Or you just setup arbitrary names for certain styling, like "indexpagemargins" or "darkmodecolor1". Also, you don't get to mutilate a class like a "float" type of class by suddenly having a margin in it..and so on.

The only drawback I've faced is that you cannot do calculations with them, like you would do with regular variables in for example PHP. Perhaps a blessing in disguise since they only do the thing they are supposed to be doing: being placeholders.


Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #10

@Bloc you have the calc function in css for that though. You have to do it as calc(var(—padding)) mind.

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #11

Strange, when I tried it it did not work..but I see its indeed supported. :) Must be an error I added earlier on in the stylesheet.

Re: Will there be a major release anytime soon?

Reply #12

Quote from: Bloc – CSS variables can be quite useful for adding things like default padding, default margins, default front/back color, CSS animation speed etc. Anything you are bound to tie up in a single-style class, like a "smallpadding" class, can better be used as a CSS variable and just added in the classes or ids you want to style like a  "smallpadding". It kind of makes using multiple classes ("posts inline floatright smallpadding") obsolete because you rather just pick the variable for displaying inline..or floating right.
Anything that reduces @&@@^#%! presentational classes in the markup has my ten foot tall with extra bling and neon lights stamp of approval. :D
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P