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[ADDON] SimplePortal Started by Spuds · · Read 313375 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #225

I tried that file and I confirm it does not have the option to disable on mobile. I tried this version and now I see the option to disable on mobile:
Uninstall first Simple Portal ( do not delete the data from database) delete the old package and install the new one.

I give up on this, I see the option to disable blocks on mobile, but my home page is blank with this version. Tested in localhost
Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 02:52:27 pm by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #226

Weird, the last configuration option I see on my site is resize images.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #227

Another problem with Simple Portal is login into the forum from the User Info block.  Users get an error and most of the time it works the second time they try, but others have the hell of a time login in from that block.  The users get the following error:
Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Workaround: Disable User Info for Everybody and only enable it for Members.  That prevents the User Info login box to show up for Guests or members that are not logged in.
Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 10:51:53 am by txcas

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #228

hmm... that's odd.
Do you have any "ajax-like" stuff for guests? (Chat, shoutbox, others?)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #229

Quote from: emanuele – hmm... that's odd.
Do you have any "ajax-like" stuff for guests? (Chat, shoutbox, others?)
I do have a shoutbox, but it is disabled for guests.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #230

Sorry for the confusion on the mobile stuff ... and the version numbers ... fudge nuggets happens !

On the 0.0.3 version, there are (2) things to do for mobile .. the checkbox under settings is the "master" setting which just let you turn the portal should it detect its on a mobile (phone) device. 

If you choose to enable that, you MUST still choose which blocks you want to show on the mobile device.  To do that you need to enable "show on mobile" for that block under the specific blocks settings.  This allows you to not have to many blocks show up on a phone.

Not sure on the logon issue, will check.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #231

I am on the 0.0.3 version and I don't have the options for mobile.  See the attached screenshots.  I have removed and reinstalled Simple Portal a few times already.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #233

Thanks a lot, that fixed the mobile devices issue.  I will test the login issue with B2.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #234

FYI, the shoutbox stopped working on B1.

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #235

I'll take a look at the SB now, give me a couple mins

The B1 shoutbox seems to be working as expected to me, could you provide more details of whats not working?Ah now I see .. will post a fix for you in a bit

QuoteI will test the login issue with B2.
Do not use B2 in anything other than a development board.  It has quite a few changes from B1 and you will cause yourself problems.
Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 10:03:34 am by Spuds

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #236

You are right, shouts are working.  What happened with the upgrade is that the display order changed and the shouts were at the bottom of the shoutbox.  Sorry for the false alarm and thanks again!

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #237

Actually I did find a case that caused them to stop working  :D  ;D  I'll give you a new template file to use to fix that in a bit.

ETA:  little bug in the shout template which could cause a JS parsing error ... Just replace your PortalShoutbox.template.php with the one below (its also now in the distro) ... it should be in your themes/default folder

Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #238

Thanks again!


Re: [ADDON] SimplePortal

Reply #239

Sneak preview of B2 ... do NOT use on your production sites, just for early testing for those that want to help find (and fix) some bugs.

This is a rather large update, larger than should have been for a Beta1 to Beta2, but since I've been moving a bit slow on things these days and I wanted to get these features out before 2020, they are now in Beta 2 :P

So whats new:

  • Its now Beta2 instead of Beta1, I know, holy crap right !
  • Profiles everywhere, well in more places.  In the past when you defined a block, you had to define who could see the block (Permissions), where the block appeared, pages, actions, areas (Visibilities) and how the block looked, header, body (Styles).  You had to define all of that for each block every time.  Now you define these same things in named profiles and then you (re)use those profiles in the blocks.  This goodness is from @[SiNaN]  and I ported it back from SP2.4
  • Block Classes, gone is the massive and gnarly PortalBlock.subs.php.  All blocks are now in separate files under the spblocks directory (under subs).   Now each block is its own class (and template) allowing much easier block creation and modification.  Adding a new block is as simple as creating a new block file and adding it to the directory.  SimplePortal will find the new file and allow you to use the block (for completeness you should add the block name and description to the language file).  This goodness is from @emanuele
  • Updated the news block to use the enhanced block that emanuele posted.  Basically it shows the good old block, but in addition if there is an attachment or image in the post, it shows that as a leading left floated image in the post.  This gives it a bit of a blog look to the block.
  • Added a new simple admin block that displays some of the totals that you see in the moderation center
  • Added the option to show the members avatar in the whos online list
  • Added auto refresh option to several blocks, so now they dynamically update.  This is now in place for the whos online, recent topics, recent posts, and board stats (and still the shoutbox of course)
  • Replaced the main table structure with divs to help make it more responsive.  This is the top/left/right/bottom/header/footer areas.  Not tested in all areas so I expect some issues ...
  • Bugs fixed, some bugs added

Now some may be thinking, dude I needs to get me some of dat stuff ... so this is where you do it ..  Remember this is for testing only since its a big change code wise from B1.