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Menu item order does not match horizontal bar order Started by AaronB · · Read 4003 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Menu item order does not match horizontal bar order

Cruised the board a bit and did not see this mention. I will post it here if that is permissable. If not then please move to the appropriate board.

See attached image, explains it better than I can. I have side bar menu enabled and when in the Features and Options menu, the drop down order does not match the horizontal bar order. Not that it bothers me but I have not noticed this effect in other menus.

Edit: Same issue with the Search Menu. Adding attachment for it.

Edit: the side bar Members menu is missing the horiz. button for Awaiting Approval.

Re: Menu item order does not match horizontal bar order

Reply #1

Meh... yeah, I guess it's because the menu and the "tabs" are built in two different ways... :-\

@Spuds I suppose the best way would be to define the tabs directly into the menu, but that would clutter the menu array terribly...
I feel for 1.1 or 2.0 we'd have to find a smarter way to handle this stuff.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Menu item order does not match horizontal bar order

Reply #2

Should not just be a sidebar menu issue either, I would suspect the order would be different for the top menus as well. 

Don't know the best way to fix this ATM (vs bandaid), somehow the two areas need to communicate to stay in sync .. but you also have addons that can get in there an move tabs around as well, so not sure of the best way to handle this.   Honestly the way the tabs are done is horrible anyway, maybe a redo for 1.1/2.0 is in order (changing in 1.1 would for sure cause havoc with addons)

Re: Menu item order does not match horizontal bar order

Reply #3

Just wondering if this was done / fixed since we are now in 1.1.5?

Re: Menu item order does not match horizontal bar order

Reply #4

I don't think so.
Probably something worth considering for 2.0 or for when the menus code will be overhauled.
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