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BurkeKnight Enterprises Started by DeadMan · · Read 11115 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

BurkeKnight Enterprises

BurkeKnight Enterprises is our main website, and also is the hub for all the rest of our sites. It has gone through a lot of changes, in the many years it has been going. The site had originally started out as Burke's Realm, an informational website for the classical MMORPG, The Realm Online, by Norseman Games. However, we have expanded into other areas, so the name of the main site was changed to BurkeKnight Enterprises.

We have free web templates for regular websites, and some free images for websites. We are working on more of each, as well as images geared towards use on forums. Custom requests can be made to be filled by us or by other members.

BurkeKnight Enterprises

Re: BurkeKnight Enterprises

Reply #1

Welcome back @Burke_Knight or @Burke Knight.

You are the same guy right? Nice site by the way. Keep it up.