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Memcache - is it better than file based caching? Started by Adrek · · Read 3020 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Memcache - is it better than file based caching?

I can buy Memcache 256MB for $9/month (512MB is for $13) and I don't know if it's worth it. What would you recommend? Buy it or just leave cache as it is (file based cache)?

Re: Memcache - is it better than file based caching?

Reply #1

Its always going to be superior to file based, and to be honest there are configs where file based may actually be a hindrance.

That said, you can get a 1G linode vps for $10 a month and do whatever you wanted, so those prices seem a bit high to me.

Re: Memcache - is it better than file based caching?

Reply #2

Where are you renting this service from? That is stupid high. I am guessing a shared host?

Re: Memcache - is it better than file based caching?

Reply #3

yeah, shared host, but it's only $50/year with unlimited HDD and transfer[1], don't need anything better at this moment.
only limit is 2000000 files


Re: Memcache - is it better than file based caching?

Reply #4

Shared hosting lacking any "limits" is not real, they will limit you, probably number of simultaneous connections or cpu usage etc, been there, have the burn marks..  They are good to a point but exceed that and it is painful.   I've also used them to upload a crap load of files since they did give me lots of space, did not find a limit on that :P 

There is also shared hosting with limits, these are generally refereed to as non-oversold hosts, still shared hosting and quite good, but finding non oversold  with no limits is unlikely at best.

TBH if you are on shared hosting, I don't guess el the site you would be running would benefit from memcache,  for caches to be effective you needs hits, lots of them, in a given short period of time.  If you don't have a lot of site traffic (generally an unlimited shared hosting site does not support it) then the cache will be of no benefit.

Those are just my thoughts, I don't know your site specifics or host specifics so what I said could be all wrong l :D