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Don't show how many posts they made Started by Ruth · · Read 3484 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Don't show how many posts they made


I feel very ashamed to ask for this  :-[  but I can't do this by myself...

I want to "comment out" the number of posts
in the profiles,
in the poster info in the topics and PMs
and in the user info in portal.

I don't know exactly all the files, where I can do this and I have always trouble with comment out something.  ::)

I add a few screenshots to see how this parts should look after changing... Beiträge: 15 (Posts: 15) should not be displayed.

Re: Don't show how many posts they made

Reply #1

I have tried it with the "User Info" in portal, wich is in PortalBlocks.subs.php

It is just this, as I believe:

Code: [Select]
										<li ', sp_embed_class('dot'), '>
<strong>', $txt['posts'], ':</strong> ', $member_info['posts'], '

in this part:

Code: [Select]
		echo '
',  $txt['hello_member'], ' <strong>', !empty($member_info['colored_name']) ? $member_info['colored_name'] : $member_info['name'], '</strong>
<br />';

if (!empty($member_info['avatar']['image']))
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $member_info['id'], '">', $member_info['avatar']['image'], '</a>
<br />';

if (!empty($member_info['group']))
echo '
', $member_info['group'], '<br />';
echo '
', $member_info['post_group'], '<br />';

echo '
', $member_info['group_icons'], '
<br />
<br />
<ul class="sp_list">
<li ', sp_embed_class('dot'), '>
<strong>', $txt['posts'], ':</strong> ', $member_info['posts'], '

if (!empty($modSettings['karmaMode']))
echo '
<li ', sp_embed_class('dot'), '>
<strong>', $modSettings['karmaLabel'], '
</strong> ';

if ($modSettings['karmaMode'] == 1)
echo $member_info['karma']['total'];
elseif ($modSettings['karmaMode'] == 2)
echo '+', $member_info['karma']['good'], '/-', $member_info['karma']['bad'];

echo '</li>';

but I cannot figure it out how it works...there are to many "if" and "else" for me. O:-)

I would be really grateful if someone could help me with this...

Re: Don't show how many posts they made

Reply #2

Hmm. Give this a try:
Code: [Select]
.postcount {

Re: Don't show how many posts they made

Reply #3

Wow! Very clever, NetFlag! :)

I added this in index.css and it worked quite well for the poster info in the topics and PMs.

What can I do with the profiles? The number of posts are still displayed there.

Re: Don't show how many posts they made

Reply #4

Code: [Select]
#detailedinfo dl dd:nth-child(6), #detailedinfo dl dt:nth-child(5) {
    display: none;
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Don't show how many posts they made

Reply #5

Thank you very much, TE!  :)
This is working for the profiles.

Now it's only the User Info in portal, wich still shows the number of posts. I cannot comment this out by myself. O:-)

Re: Don't show how many posts they made

Reply #6

Code: [Select]
									<ul class="sp_list">
<li ', sp_embed_class('dot'), '>
<strong>', $txt['posts'], ':</strong> ', $member_info['posts'], '
Code: [Select]
									<ul class="sp_list">';

Hey TE, nice to see you around! ;D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Don't show how many posts they made

Reply #7

Thank you very much, emanuele.... O:-) I did not try that one before...  :-[

Re: Don't show how many posts they made

Reply #8

I did not notice this before:

Because of the changing in the profile, the preview of the "recentposts" in the profiles is now not displayed.
It is less important, we don't need this...but I want to tell you.

Re: Don't show how many posts they made

Reply #10

It seem I forgot to answer... :-[

I don't think it's a css issue... well, your last post confirms it because you see both the messages with and those without the body of the message.

What do the messages contain?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Don't show how many posts they made

Reply #11

Some contain normal text and some code-boxes. But everything is alright now, emanuele.

I don't know, why the posts previews in my profile first were not shown after the changing.
If I write new posts, I can see all of them now.
Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 03:51:57 am by Ruth