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Validation Started by CrimeS · · Read 2442 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Hmmm, maybe it will be a good idea to start validating themes in the near future and change this info "This is a community contributed theme, it has not been tested nor code reviewed." ? :) It will definitely bring some image of quality to ElkArte.

Re: Validation

Reply #1


Where is it this description?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Validation

Reply #2

Re: Validation

Reply #3

Then I could add a check from the original file date to the last update and after some period of time have it say

QuoteThe original version of this (addon/theme) was tested yonks ago (it was installed) on a version of the software that is no longer supported.  The code no longer shares any code with what was originality tested installed, as such it is considered approved and safe to use.

There is a long history of the approval process / queue from SMF,  Although well intentioned the gaps in what was accomplished along with the delays in that, were a source of friction on the community. 

I'd be glad to change the wording, but it was just being honest about the situation, here and there.

Re: Validation

Reply #4

Oh, the wording is okay. I meant that it would be nice to get some themes validated that they comply with whatever :)


Re: Validation

Reply #5

Like Spuds said though, validation is only good for that moment. After that, the author can change it and the forum will change. He also said that it takes forever and requires a lot of people to make work. There's no large team here and there's no desire of these two to work on "validating" themes.

The only thing I can see that could be done is to test to see if the theme installs and doesn't have any parse errors. That could be automated, but someone would have to build that system. You could also setup a system where it installs the theme and you supply it with tests (namely URLs) to check to see if it validates as HTML, JS, and CSS. Once again, though, this would need to happen every time you made a change to the theme or there was a release made.