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impressum page Started by Jorin · · Read 4051 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

impressum page

An optional impressum page would be nice. I think it should be filled with any text within the admin panel und accessable via main menu. Have I posted this before? O:-)

Re: impressum page

Reply #1

What is an impressum page ?

Re: impressum page

Reply #2

I don't know about other countries in europe or overseas, but in Germany you are not allowed to have an internet page (also a forum) without an impressum. There must be contact informations listed: the full address, e-mail and (it's not totally clear) phone number of the person who's responsible for the page. The impressum must be easy to find and should not be hidden somewhere. Often there's a link in the footer.

Here's one:

So the possibility to create a page linked in the footer or main menu with my own text would be really helpful.

Re: impressum page

Reply #3

I think this could be a good excuse to add a simple "pages" feature. O:-)
Nothing too fancy, something very easy, where each page is structured in sections, each section a title and bbc parsed (to avoid having to add h1/6 tags among the bbcodes and also because editing paragraphs is easier than editing "big" pages), or maybe a mixed markdown/bbc so that before save the markdown is converted to html and before editing the html is converted to makrdown... or both solutions at once, so that you pick the one you prefer.

Yeah, I know I went too deep in thinking. LOL
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: impressum page

Reply #4

Just a simple page with some general BBC would be great! Nothing fancy.

Re: impressum page

Reply #5

just an idea, Elkarte has a contact page, maybe those info could be added there. What do you think?
sorry for my bad english

Re: impressum page

Reply #6

Could be, but the contact page is only visible when logged out. The impressum has to be visible always. A simple page could also be used for forum rules not shown in the registration agreement. So the rules could be always visible too.

Re: impressum page

Reply #7

You are right, I thought the contact page on elkarte has the same options as the Contact Page mod for SMF
sorry for my bad english

Re: impressum page

Reply #8

Something new?  O:-)

Re: impressum page

Reply #9

Quote from: Jorin – Could be, but the contact page is only visible when logged out. The impressum has to be visible always.

If you want the contact page for all (guests and members), a simple code edit do that trick.
Find in sources/controllers/Register.controller.php
Code: [Select]
		if (!$user_info['is_guest'] || empty($modSettings['enable_contactform']) || $modSettings['enable_contactform'] == 'disabled')
replace with:
Code: [Select]
		if (empty($modSettings['enable_contactform']) || $modSettings['enable_contactform'] == 'disabled')

Greetings NetFlag

Re: impressum page

Reply #10

It's basically completely untested, so it may or may not working as expected.

This addons extends the contact page:
  • showing it to everybody,
  • giving the option to add custom text above the contact form (it supports markdown, not the normal bbc[1]Spoiler (click to show/hide)
  • you can style the resulting text from point 2 with css "starting" with the class extended_contact (so .extended_contact h2 or things like that).

    That should be all... did I already say it may be broken? :P
Mainly because markdown has some features that bbc doesn't and it shouldn't be more difficult to learn, for example the text Jorin is using on his page can be written with the following:

Re: impressum page

Reply #11

There are two errors in the package.
The installation has only worked after I added an "Extended" to the Contact.controller.php (->  ExtendedContact.controller.php) and on the page ExtendedContact.integrate.php was also an "Extended" missing.

I replaced there
Code: [Select]
		$actionArray['contact'] = array('Contact.controller.php', 'Contact_Controller', 'action_contact');

Code: [Select]
		$actionArray['contact'] = array('ExtendedContact.controller.php', 'Contact_Controller', 'action_contact');

After this the installation was successful and apparently all works fine now.

Oh, just one more thing.
Besides the input fields for "Message" and "E-Mail Address" another one for "Name" would be great.
How can I add such a field there?

Now the contact form just works when I'm logged in. Guests always will be forwarded to the index page, after klicking the contact button in the menu...
Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 05:46:51 pm by Lars


Re: impressum page

Reply #12

Try the one attached.

Quote from: Lars – Oh, just one more thing.
Besides the input fields for "Message" and "E-Mail Address" another one for "Name" would be great.
How can I add such a field there?
The main problem is not add the field, is just what would you use it for?
At the moment is still pretty much a draft, but if the one contacting you is a member of the forum it "will"[1] show the name of the member, but if the one contacting you is a guest, you need the email address, and in the PM template, the "from" is pretty much the only place to show it "clearly", the only alternative would be to make up something like "name provided <emailaddress>" instead of just using the email. Yeah, but honestly I find it pretty odd that someone that spends time to write to you doesn't sign its own message. I usually do:
QuoteBest regards,
and a name field would just be another annoying field to fill up.

Anyway add it is not that much difficult.
When the addon will not be just a draft