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Support Team Started by StevEO · · Read 4326 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Support Team


I"ve noticed this on all Forum Software I suggest strongly that you guys create a support team group aka moderators and pick them by there hard effort and support they give to the community.

Re: Support Team

Reply #1

It's not necessary as of now, the developers themselves are supporting, and also experienced members are glad to help. The workflow here is much different from
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Support Team

Reply #3

The active community isn't large enough here to warrant additional people being added. Maybe in the future.

Re: Support Team

Reply #4

Honestly I'm not that "in love" with groups. :P
Glob mod and admin are just useful to... well, moderate and administer the forum, but are not really related to the development/support side of things. O:-)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Support Team

Reply #5

Very good points against for it right now, however, we need to look at this the way users just choosing ElkArte and finding the community forum would see them.

Right now, with being in Softaculous, we really should be having a Support Team and maybe even a Customization Team.

Which brings us to addons and themes, which may need to be better done than is now. (In the future) Like a needing to be approved policy, before they get listed on the Official Site.

Just a couple thoughts, but something to think on for the future. :)

Re: Support Team

Reply #6

I disagree wholeheartedly

Re: Support Team

Reply #7

If you don't like groups at all and there's no need for board moderators (I think so too at the moment), maybe you can think of adding a note to your signature or profile that you are a developer or such of ElkArte? Would be helpful sometimes to know who is an official member of the dev team.

Re: Support Team

Reply #8

Except there are no official developers, everyone is free and welcome to contribute. There is a small group of people that co-ordinates it, for sure, but as far as I know they don't call themselves as "official and only developers".
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Support Team

Reply #9

Quote from: Flavio93Zena (#OpIsis) – Except there are no official developers, everyone is free and welcome to contribute. There is a small group of people that co-ordinates it, for sure, but as far as I know they don't call themselves as "official and only developers".

Well, to be exact, there are official ones, just that there are also ones that help out.
Emanuele, TE, Spuds, are the ones I'd call official, the rest are those that are helping out.

But, I do know what you mean, as it'd be very difficult to tell who gets the badge and who does not...LOL

Re: Support Team

Reply #10

I strongly believe many people in here will be trusted enough and happy to help :)
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Support Team

Reply #11

I am not as much a fan of groups as I am of competent leadership.  If you have a competent leader, lets say for Themes, then other members will gravitate around him or her.  While that does make a group so to speak, it is not a formal group and people buzz in and out as their lives permit. The leader would be the constant in this situation.

This works in small groups and large groups fairly well as there are no badges; other than what the leader wears. Badges seem to promote jealous competition from within, envy, and other lower quality human traits. From that grows dissension, cliches, internal strife and disruption of the overall picture. It takes very 'high minded' people to work in a group and team and keep their egos out of the effort.

It boils down to ego. Can there be competent leaders in Elkarte the can suppress their ego and keep Elkarte on the 'higher path'? It starts with leadership...always leadership. Poor leadership will kill any effort, regardless of group badges or not having group badges.

My impression is that at present Elkarte has competent leadership and competent programmers.

I have watched the interactions of Elkarte since it went live. What I think is missing from Elkarte is focus. Leadership seems to have an internal, built in drive for the 'higher path', but they cannot do it all. At some point, there needs to be additional leadership that focus on such things as the theme. The theme is the showcase of Elkarte, not the mods. Potential users need to look at Elkarte and be compelled to want to work with the theme and the concepts of the theme.  Potential users should not look at a theme and find 10, 12, 15 items in it that show lack of detail.  Don't be afraid to modify core files if it enables a better theme which also in turn enable mods to 'look' better. It is all connected.

While that was all a bit wordy; I think that ultimately Elkarte should consider adding a few leaders and have them focus on items such as the theme, the wiki, etc. At the same time, the present leadership would need to be flexible in adapting some changes; not that they are not flexible now. But as with any growing child, you have to let it grow in ways that at first do not not match ones concept of what they want for their child.

Re: Support Team

Reply #12

It may be just me but... I think that if someone has a badge then.. Cool, good for him/her :) When I wasn't on SP team I was looking at its team members not with envy, but with respect and admiring them for being so nice to people and helpful at the same time.
I think it comes down to the people themselves, and the way they think. For instance I know I couldn't be a developer as good as emanuele or Spuds or TE or Joshua etc etc, however, I know I could be a moderator[1]just fine, so, if they need it I am sure they know where and how to find me. An important note should be, for everyone, in case let's say you get picked for that and I don't (completely an example here!), I won't be offended nor envious, I shall respect it, say congrats, and try to learn and understand what I am missing (if anything) :)

All in all, I still think it will be up to admins in here to decide when they want to do this step (with groups and stuff), if at all, and I do trust them completely, they have proven themselves to be perfectly reasonable and to actually LISTEN and READ what others tell them, without bashing at people, not once. So yeah, I have faith, let's see how they will handle, it will be good either way!
No, I am not suggesting myself, no misunderstandings please :D
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~


Re: Support Team

Reply #13

@Lou what you are saying makes sense in terms of having leadership. I don't think we need to define who the leader is. In my experience (YaBB, YaBB SE, SMF, etc) having the title of leader doesn't make you one. A leader should be defined by leading, not by the title. If someone wants to lead in working on documentation, development, themes, etc. then just start doing it. Like you said, people will gravitate to them. People will ask for advise and a nod on things that they aren't sure about to the person who fills the role of leader at that moment; not the person who might have been doing it in the past and is now on an extended hiatus.

In short, if you want to lead, just start doing. If you are looking for someone to be "granted" the title of leader, I don't think that works as well.